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Results 581-600 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Exec Shuffle Could Put the Zip Back Into Zynga

Zynga's chief financial officer is departing for Facebook, yet another blow to the social game-maker, which has been languishing for months and recently trimmed its 2012 outlook ...

Microsoft, Motorola FRAND Clash Goes to Trial

A Microsoft lawsuit against Motorola Mobility went to trial on Tuesday in Judge James Robart's U.S. District Court of Western Washington's courtroom. The case is focused on allegations made two years ago by Microsoft that Motorola Mobility demanded unreasonable royalty rates for its patented wireless and video standards standards-essential technologies.

AV Pioneer McAfee Covering Tracks in Murder Drama

John McAfee, founder of the eponymous antivirus software company, is wanted in Belize in connection with the murder of American Gregory Faull, according to news accounts. The San Pedro police department is said to be actively searching for McAfee, who has gone missing ...

Getting Your Mobile CRM Mojo Working

As companies rush to offer mobile CRM apps to their customers, they are in danger of repeating the same mistake made a generation ago with the launch of early online initiatives: not placing enough emphasis on security. We know how that worked out. Untold millions of customers were compromised financially because the companies they chose to do business with online did not take proper precautions...

Groupon Loses Its Grip

Groupon reported disappointing earnings for the third quarter, and shareholders soundly punished the company as a result ...


Demandbase Finely Hones B2B Targeted Marketing

Demandbase is extending beyond its Web analytics and sales roots with a new platform that allows B2B advertisers to target and personalize display ads for specific companies ...

Walmart to Crash Thanksgiving With Early Black Friday Deals

Walmart is opening its doors on Thanksgiving Day at 8 p.m. local time. To persuade shoppers who may be digesting the biggest meal of the year to leave the comfort of their sofas, the retailer is offering door-busting specials at specific time slots ...

Following the Mobile CRM Money Trail

Mobile CRM and its related technologies have intrigued developers and users alike for years. However, it wasn't until Facebook announced it would acquire Instagram for an eye-popping US$1 billion that the money began to pour into this space. ...

Slippery Statistics Suggest Online Piracy Is on the Wane

Sandvine has released a new report on global Internet traffic that points to the growth of online data consumption and implies that the increasing use of legitimate content services such as Netflix may be softening the impact of illegal P2P file-sharing ...

Judge Kicks Apple, Motorola FRAND Suit to the Curb

A U.S. District Court judge has dismissed an Apple lawsuit alleging that Motorola Mobility abused its standard-essential patents by charging rates that exceeded fair, reasonable and nondiscriminatory (FRAND) terms. ...

Groupon Wheezes Into Year 2

Just in time for its one-year anniversary of being a public company, Groupon's response to a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission inquiry into its accounting practices was made public. It was an inauspicious reminder that to regulators and investors, Groupon -- once the tech industry's golden child -- remains a question mark. The stock market responded to the disclosure on Friday by sinking Groupon's share price some 5 percent to a new low of US$3.83...

FTC May Hobble Google’s Motorola Patent-Defense Strategy

U.S. Federal Trade Commission staff have recommended that Google should be sued for antitrust violations, according to a report in Bloomberg that cites anonymous sources. ...


Instagram Makes Nudge a Lot Nudgier

Nudge, a marketing application designed for the real estate space, has released an update that incorporates Instagram into its offerings. ...

Icahn Sets the Earth Trembling Under Netflix

Billionaire investor and activist shareholder Carl Icahn has acquired a 10 percent stake in Netflix, according to a Wednesday filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The value of the 5.5 million shares is about US$169 million. ...

EMC Grabs Silver Tail

EMC has announced it is acquiring Silver Tail Systems, a provider of real-time Web session intelligence and behavioral analysis. ...

Apple Competition May Slam the Lid on Pandora

If Pandora had been hoping that the earlier reports of Apple exploring a streaming-radio venture were exaggerated or downright wrong, those hopes have been dashed. Last week, news surfaced that Apple is indeed serious about the advertising-backed venture and has intensified talks with major music labels. ...

Companies Quake Under Social Sword of Damocles

Forty-seven percent of all social media users have used their networks to get customer service from a company, with usage as high as 59 percent among 18-24 year olds, according to a new study from NM Incite. ...

Sprint Customers Flee to Speedier Networks

With recent news of Softbank's proposed US$20.1 billion investment hovering in the background, Sprint Nextel has reported less-than-pretty earnings for the third quarter 2012. ...

Windows 8 Embarks on Perilous Journey

Some 1,000 people gathered in New York City to see the long-ballyhooed Windows 8 unveiling on Thursday, and countless others watched a live stream from the Microsoft website. ...

It’s a Mobile, Cloudy, Appy, Thingy World

It is that time of year again -- namely, prediction-making season. Gartner is the first out of the gate with its top 10 strategic tech trends for 2013 and a few years beyond, released this week at its Gartner Symposium/ITxpo in Orlando, Fla ...

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