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Results 21-40 of 83 for Sidney Hill

Netflix Is Leaving the Door Wide Open for Competitors

A long list of companies -- including big names such as Amazon, Dish Network, Wal-Mart, Best Buy and YouTube -- appear to be gearing up to enter the online video rental business. Of course, they all have visions of eventually overtaking the current market leader Netflix ...


Is ‘Social’ Business Collaboration Just an Expensive Fad?

Social networking technology has found a solid niche in the business world. Facebook and Twitter are proving to be powerful -- and cost-effective -- tools for connecting with customers and promoting products and services ...


There’s No Sense Stressing About the End of Privacy

After a long period of unfulfilled hype, there finally appears to be some real momentum behind a nationwide movement to electronic medical records -- and that's just one of a series of recent developments that have caused me to change my attitude about online privacy ...


Tablet Makers Aren’t Reaching for the Brass Ring

The PC is not yet in danger of becoming extinct, but its position as the primary computing device in most people's lives could soon be threatened by the tablet ...


It’s Time for Print Pubs to End the Free Online Lunch

It's difficult to find an industry that has had a harder time transitioning to the digital age than the print news media. It also would be tough to find an industry that inflicted so much damage on itself by making a single bad decision ...


AT&T’s T-Mobile Plans: Who’s Looking Out for Consumers?

I chuckled when I first heard of AT&T's plan to buy T-Mobile. Just days before, I had written that AT&T's movement toward phasing out unlimited data plans for the iPhone and its broadband Internet offerings was a sign that the telecommunications services that have become such an integral part of our daily lives were about to get a lot more expensive...


AT&T’s T-Mobile Plans: Who’s Looking Out for Consumers?

I chuckled when I first heard of AT&T's plan to buy T-Mobile. Just days before, I had written that AT&T's movement toward phasing out unlimited data plans for the iPhone and its broadband Internet offerings was a sign that the telecommunications services that have become such an integral part of our daily lives were about to get a lot more expensive...


AT&T’s T-Mobile Plans: Who’s Looking Out for Consumers?

I chuckled when I first heard of AT&T's plan to buy T-Mobile. Just days before, I had written that AT&T's movement toward phasing out unlimited data plans for the iPhone and its broadband Internet offerings was a sign that the telecommunications services that have become such an integral part of our daily lives were about to get a lot more expensive...


Tiered Pricing: Intervention for Technology Addicts

There's no question that as a society, we're addicted to technology. That was evident when the earliest versions of BlackBerry smartphones were given a nickname I won't repeat here ...


If You Don’t Like Cookies, You’ll Hate Addressable Ads on TV

Addressable Ads on TV Worse Than Being Stalked by Cookies "Convergence" is a popular term in information technology. It generally refers to the meshing of separate technology platforms -- telephones, computers and televisions, for instance -- to give users multiple options for accessing information ...


It’s an App App App App World

With Apple revealing that the second generation of its popular tablet computer-- aka the iPad2 -- will be available for purchase next week, it's a good time to think about mobile devices in general: how they fit into our lives now, and how they may ultimately change our lives in the future ...


Mobile Photo Sharing May Not Save the World, but…

Numerous sites supporting some form of mobile photo sharing have popped up over the past few months, ushering in the next big social media trend ...


Investing in Groupon Would Be a Bum Deal

Despite Groupon's recent high-profile missteps, enthusiasm over the daily deal site's anticipated initial public offering doesn't seem to be dissipating ...


Microsoft’s Paralyzing Windows Fixation

While thinking about the hoopla that's sure to accompany the long-awaited release of the Verizon iPhone later this week, one question kept popping into my head: Is Microsoft missing out on the mobile computing movement? ...


Consumers Need to Start Thinking Like IT Pros

I was all set to turn my life over to Google when I started hearing rumors that Yahoo was planning to shut down Delicious ...


Page and Zuckerberg Will Duke It Out for Tech Supremacy

The announcement that Google Cofounder Larry Page will become the company's CEO is a very big deal -- and not just for Google ...


I Don’t Want Wall Street in My Social Network

As someone who sees value in at least some social networking sites, I'm more than a little uncomfortable with all the attention that Wall Street suddenly is directing toward this sector ...


The Social Phenomenon That’s Tearing Us Apart

Social media was cast in the role of scapegoat in the drama that unfolded immediately after the shooting spree in a Tucson, Ariz., grocery store that left six people dead and a member of the U.S. Congress gravely injured this past weekend ...


Location-Based Services Are Becoming Social Network Outcasts

All the recent news about Facebook -- from its founder being named Time magazine's Person of the Year to Goldman Sachs placing a US$450 million bet on its future profitability -- makes it clear that social networking platforms are hot commodities ...


Internet Tracking May Not Be Worth the Headaches

In the ongoing argument about whether the government should pass laws to prohibit companies from tracking Internets users' browsing habits, one voice has been conspicuously absent -- the voice of actual Internet users ...

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