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Results 561-580 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Blazeloop Collects Customer Feedback on the Spot

Benbria has launched Blazeloop, a customer engagement platform that revolves around one pointed question aimed at the consumer: How did we do? ...

Nokia Aims to Crush BlackBerry

Nokia has filed lawsuits against Research In Motion in the U.S., the UK and Canada seeking to enforce an arbitration ruling it won in Sweden ...

Fur Flies Over Autonomy’s Alleged Cooked Books

There's apparently little inclination to wait for the legal system to establish who wronged whom with respect to the allegations that Autonomy committed accounting sleight of hand prior to being acquired by HP. Both HP and the erstwhile head of Autonomy are making their claims and counterclaims public ...

Mobile Makes Its Mark on $1.5B Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday online sales broke records this year, clocking in at 30 percent higher than 2011, according to IBM Smarter Commerce ...

Kindle Burns Up Sales Records

Cyber Monday was the biggest day ever for Kindle sales worldwide, Amazon reported ...

The Mobile Retailer’s Multi-Screen Challenge

Based on recent statistics, one would think Houston is the mobile-commerce capital of the United States ...

Black Friday Shoppers Storm Retailers on Foot, Online

Shopping and sales activity on Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday rocked this year, with online purchases on Black Friday topping $1 billion for the first time ...


Avaya Puts More Eggs in BYOD Basket

Avaya IP Office joined the BYOD revolution with the release of version 8.1 earlier this year. Now the company is gearing up for more changes, including a forthcoming release that will integrate video functionality into its feature set. ...


Is Mobile CRM a Cost Center or Profit Maker?

This story was originally published on Aug. 21, 2012, and is brought to you today as part of our Best of ECT News series. ...

The Thanksgiving Holiday vs. Holiday Shopping Tug-of-War

Stick a fork in the sacrosanctity of Thanksgiving -- it is done. A number of retailers, most famously Walmart, will be opening their doors on Thanksgiving Day, on the premise that they will be scooping up sales from consumers too eager to wait for Black Friday. Whether that is true or whether so-called Gray Thursday will cannibalize sales meant for Black Friday and Cyber Monday is yet to be determined...

NYT’s Trademark Vigilance Cranks Up Twitter Mockery Meter

"GUYS, teenagers have messy bedrooms, and The Times is ON IT." ...

HP Clobbered by Autonomy Disaster

HP released its fourth quarter earnings report, bearing out CEO Meg Whitman's warning last month. It is not pretty ...

Wii U’s Off to a Wobbly Start

The Wii U's launch has not been without its bumps in the road, to put it kindly. There were reports of users waiting hours to download and install a very large -- said to be 5 GB -- mandatory firmware update. For some, the wait seemed endless, and they powered off the system before the download was complete. When they powered on again, some found their consoles bricked.

CRM’s Eeny, Meeny, Miny Mobile Problem

In the beginning, there was Apple's iPad. For a long time, "tablet" meant the iPad and nothing but the iPad. Then competitors began to make an appearance in the tablet market. For CRM vendors, that state of affairs made developing mobile products and strategies much easier ...

Walmart Employees Strike Over Scrooge-Like Policies as Black Friday Looms

Some of Walmart's employees are taking aim at a major soft spot for any retailer: Black Friday, the most important shopping day of the year. A union-backed coalition called "Making Change at Wal-Mart" is organizing strikes this week, culminating on Friday, to protest the company's working conditions. ...

United’s Balky Computers Could Send Brand Into Tailspin

United Airlines experienced a major computer problem this week, and the news no doubt sent shudders down the spines of would-be Thanksgiving holiday travelers everywhere. ...

It’s Off to the Tablet Races for Amazon’s Big Kindle Fire

Amazon began shipping its 8.9-inch Kindle Fire HD on Thursday, ahead of its original planned schedule. The specs and price point of the device are interesting enough that it will certainly make some inroads in the tablet market: Among other features, it sports a front-facing HD camera, 16-GB or 32-GB storage options, and 10 hours of battery life ...


Genesys One Gives Mid-Market a Second Shot

Genesys is making a play for the middle market with the release of Genesys One. The last time the company targeted the middle market was more than 10 years ago, when it was owned by Alcatel. ...

Senate Tosses Cybersecurity Ball to Obama’s Court

Well, that was fast. About 24 hours after Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., said he would move to bring the once-failed Cybersecurity Act of 2012 to the Senate floor for a vote, its opponents shot it down again. ...

Storm Clouds Clear Over Facebook

In a year when precious little seems to have gone right for Facebook, Wednesday was the day an employee lockup on selling some 800 million shares expired. The stock was expected to drop, perhaps dramatically, as a result -- but it didn't. ...

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