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Results 481-500 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Yahoo Picks Up Speed With Alike Acquisition

In case investors have any doubts that Yahoo sees its future in mobile, events of the past few days should dispel them once and for all ...

FTC Finds Consumer Credit Reports Rife With Errors

A Federal Trade Commission investigation of the U.S. credit reporting industry turned up some dismal findings for consumers. The comprehensive study found that 5 percent of consumers identified errors on one of their three major credit reports that were significant enough to affect their eligibility for loans and insurance, as well as the rates they would pay...

The 2nd Screen’s Super Bowl Coup

It has been a week since the Super Bowl, but its lessons for marketers are becoming increasingly clear. At the top of the list: The synergy between the mobile channel and the overall campaign is getting tighter. ...

Disgruntled Investors Could Deep-Six Dell Deal

Dell's plan to go private in what would be one of the biggest leveraged buyouts in recent years appears to be in jeopardy. Some of the company's largest shareholders have come out against the move. ...


NextPrinciples Makes Integration Paramount

NextPrinciples has launched Insight-To-Action, a social analytics and engagement product that integrates with a handful of CRM applications. ...

Yahoo, Google Buddy Up for Display-Ad Deal

Yahoo and Google on Wednesday announced a nonexclusive agreement to display ads on various Yahoo properties and certain cobranded sites using Google's AdSense for Content and its AdMob services. Because the agreement is nonexclusive, Yahoo will continue to display ads from other providers, including Microsoft's Bing. ...

Kindle Fire Users to Get Pennies From Heaven

Amazon announced Wednesday that it will be offering a virtual currency, called "Amazon Coins," for purchasing apps, games and in-app items on Kindle Fire. The new currency will become available in the U.S. this May. At launch, Amazon plans to give Kindle Fire users tens of millions of dollars' worth of free Amazon Coins to spend on apps in the Amazon Appstore.

BofA Service Outage Opens Window for Small Banks

Bank of America's online banking operations crashed last Friday, cutting customers off from their accounts and reportedly disrupting the customer phone service to boot. It was the 1st day of the month -- a day when customers typically access their accounts to make sure paychecks have been deposited and to pay bills. Customers took to social media to gripe; the bank, for its part, responded with directions to other channels that were working...

CEA Bashes CBS as It Shows Cnet the Door

The Consumer Electronics Association had its say Thursday in a simmering controversy related to its Best of CES awards and announced it was dropping Cnet as its partner. The CEA also gave Dish Network's Hopper with Sling DVR its Best of Show prize ...


With LiveOps, All Customer Channels Are Created Equal

LiveOps this week debuted LiveOps Engage, a browser-based desktop agent app that centralizes myriad channels -- phone, email, live chat, SMS, Twitter and Facebook -- on one screen. The screen also displays the history of past interactions with the customer ...

YouTube May Begin Nickel-and-Diming Viewers

Google is getting ready to launch paid subscription channels on YouTube, AdAge reported on Tuesday. The new offering would be part of Google's larger plan to keep viewers tuned in to its popular video service as long as possible, while developing new revenue streams including premium ad dollars. ...

Facebook’s Relationship With Developers: It’s Even More Complicated

Facebook dropped a bombshell on its developer community last week with the rollout of a clarified platform policy -- one that de-friends certain apps ...

Big Blue Breaks Into Biotech With Bacteria-Blasting Hydrogel

Researchers from IBM and the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology have developed what they are calling the first antimicrobial hydrogel that is biodegradable, biocompatible and non-toxic ...

Phablets Testing IT’s Patience – and Ingenuity

First there were smartphones. Then there were very small smartphones and, conversely, larger ones. And devices that folded in half. And smartphones that had sliding QWERTY keyboards ...

Google’s Transparency Report Serves as Subtle Call to Action

Governments around the world peppered Google with 21,389 information requests on about 33,634 users from July through December 2012. That represents a 2 percent year-over-year increase, according to Google's latest Transparency Report, released this week. The U.S. led the barrage, with 8,476 requests for information -- a 6 percent year-over-year increase...


CRMCulture Productivity Pack Puts Pivotal on Steroids

CRMCulture is preparing to release its latest iteration of Productivity Pack for Pivotal CRM. ...

Google Posts Gangbuster Growth in Q4

Google wowed analysts and shareholders with its fourth-quarter earnings released on Tuesday. The search engine giant reported consolidated revenues of US$14.42 billion for the quarter ending Dec. 31 -- an increase of 36 percent compared with the fourth quarter of 2011. ...

AT&T Wheels and Deals to Fend Off Spectrum Squeeze

AT&T has reached an agreement with Atlantic Tele-Network to buy its wireless assets for US$780 million. The deal will add approximately 585,000 subscribers -- mainly in Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, North Carolina, Ohio and South Carolina -- to AT&T's user ranks. Perhaps more importantly, AT&T's acquisition of the Alltel brand will bring in spectrum complementary to AT&T's network -- that is, in the 700-, 850- and 1900-megahertz bands...

AT&T Wheels and Deals to Fend Off Spectrum Squeeze

AT&T has reached an agreement with Atlantic Tele-Network to buy its wireless assets for US$780 million. The deal will add approximately 585,000 subscribers -- mainly in Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, North Carolina, Ohio and South Carolina -- to AT&T's user ranks. Perhaps more importantly, AT&T's acquisition of the Alltel brand will bring in spectrum complementary to AT&T's network -- that is, in the 700-, 850- and 1900-megahertz bands...

Keys to Successful Mobile CRM

Mobile CRM is usually not a company's first foray into CRM. Before going mobile, a company usually has a SaaS-based CRM application, at a bare minimum, as well as an online presence that has become increasingly interactive over the years -- and likely a social media presence as well ...

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