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Results 441-460 of 1290 for Charles King

Twitch Yanks Player Controls From Flash

For Adobe, Twitch's pivot toward HTLM5 and JavaScript will sting, but the ongoing security issues with Flash are more painful for the company, observed Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "To it's credit, the company proactively addresses security vulnerabilities in its...

Philanderers, Scarlet Women Cower After Ashley Madison Hack

"The vast majority of consumers have a childlike belief in the best intentions of the corporations they do business with," Pund-IT Principal Analyst Charles King told TechNewsWorld. The core business of sites like Ashley Madison "is not in protecting anonymity and privacy," b...

Facebook Gives News Feed a Tune-Up

The real goal of News Feed is to search for insights into people and the things they share, observed Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. A more complex set of controls actually hurt Facebook, he said....

Apple Watch Sales Sink

"If the Slice analysis is accurate -- both in terms of a steep falloff in watch sales and the largest portion of sales focusing on the low end $349 model -- it wouldn't be an outright disaster," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. That said, "it would be an embar...

Poll Highlights Container Security Concerns

"Overall, the results of the Red Hat study are about what I would expect, especially in light of the changes that data center professionals and practices have been subjected to over the past decade," said Charles King, Principal Analyst at Pund-IT. Traditional IT has been in...

Musk Donates $10 Million to Keep AI From Going Rogue

"The depiction of the negative or deadly sides of technology are such a Hollywood staple that they have become clich," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "Even technology deemed positive often reinforces those same tired stories -- as in The Terminator requiring a...

Yelp Study Blasts Google for Screwing With Search

It's not clear whether Google is just great at playing the game by its rules or actively revises them to keep itself on a better footing than its competitors, said Pund-IT Principal Analyst Charles King "The answer to that is exceedingly difficult to determine, and I don't thi...

Cisco Erects 6 Pillars for the IoT

"The company is in an ideal position to promote itself for this emerging market, mainly due to the key position that innovative networking technologies hold in most IoT solutions and scenarios," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "At this point, most vendors are e...

The Encryption Software Scuffle

Federal and state government officials have been asking the public to trust them, since the 9/11 terrorist attacks forever changed the world, noted Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "Revelations about widespread, indiscriminate data collection by the NSA and other org...

Red Hat, Samsung Ramp Up Enterprise Mobility

"Red Hat and Samsung have an opportunity to build what could become an entirely new model and environment for open collaboration," noted Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. If they achieve their goals, I expect business customers and developers will respond enthusiast...

Amazon Holds Coming-Out Party for Echo’s Alexa

Even if the Echo is publicized with the full force of Amazon behind it, the product still has to resonate with the masses in order to enjoy any sustainable success. For the Echo to do that, it has to build a sticky relationship with consumers, according to Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT...

Rumors Tell the Apple Watch Story

Unless it suits the company's broader strategy, Apple generally doesn't divulge all of its financial details, observed Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "That the company is being closemouthed about watch sales ... suggests they are in the modest-to-expected range," h...

Amazon May Try Out Delivery-Sharing

If Amazon decides to enlist customers to deliver packages, there won't be a labor shortage, noted Charles King, the principal analyst at Pund-IT. "The popularity of ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft have shown that there's a willing group of folks out there who are hap...

Synaptics Gives Spacebar Some New Touches

"Initially, the primary target audience appears to be computer gamers," said Charles King, the principal analyst at Pund-IT "Over time," he told TechNewsWorld, "I expect keyboard makers, including Logitech and others, will deliver SmartBar-enabled keyboards for mainstream use....

Microsoft’s Surface Hub Aims to Unify the Enterprise

Along with injecting itself into another area of enterprise workflows, the Surface Hub could inspire Microsoft's developer community as well, noted Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "The fact that the Surface Hub will also support common Windows applications and frame...

BitTorrent’s Bleep Hides Messages From Prying Eyes

However, anonymous communications have been a part of the Internet since the beginning, and one could argue that Bleep merely carries on that tradition, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "At the same time, there have been high-profile situations, like Gamergate, ...

Auto Grade Linux Steers Closer to an In-Car Infotainment Standard

At one level the Automotive Grade Linux Infotainment software specifications may not seem like big news. However, some very large, well-heeled vendors, including Apple and Google, really would prefer that the underlying infotainment platform in cars and trucks be their own, noted Charles King, Principal Analyst at Pund-IT...

Scrappy Hound Stalks Siri and Cortana

"It's not like they're a young startup still feeling their way through complex business. The new voice-enabled solution builds on top of and extends an already successful platform," said Pund-IT President and Principal Analyst Charles King "Additionally, it seems to me that th...

Intel Buys Altera to Fulfill Moore’s Law Promise

"The purchase of Altera should provide Intel with an entry to numerous current and next-gen data center markets and clients," observed Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "If you were making a list of important acquisitions for Intel to pursue, Altera would be at or nea...

Phone Companion App Lets Cortana Get Around

Microsoft's multiplatform strategy is "highly innovative," but it's also a recognition of the company's past strategic mistakes, said Charles King, the principal analyst at Pund-IT "Microsoft has simply missed the boat when it comes to owning meaningful share, especially in mo...

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