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Results 401-420 of 1290 for Charles King

The Mystery of the Missing LinkedIn Post Views

For the millions of business professionals who lean on LinkedIn, the truth behind whatever is going on could have a serious impact. It could change people's perceptions of the network, said Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT "I will say that if it proves to be true, t...

Microsoft Doubles Down on Open Source

Microsoft is finally abandoning the singular, maybe myopic, platform vision and strategy under Ballmer. That is due in large part to Nadella's deeper understanding of and relationship with the developer community, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "Consumers and ...

Diane Greene to Lead Google Into Cloud Business Fray

"It's hard to say just now whether Google's move is too late or not," mused Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "In the short term, it seems like a reasonable strategy to contend with Microsoft's successful Office 365 effort. Overall, I think Google is better off by coa...

Telegram Shutters 78 ISIS Channels

Those moves will keep off some regulatory heat, but monitoring activities on public broadcast and shutting down inappropriate or illegal communications "flies in the face" of the level of privacy the company has promoted to users, observed Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT...

Huawei’s Fast-Charging Batteries Could Solve Power Users’ Problems

"Constant daily usage outstrips battery life," said Charles King, the principal analyst at Pund-IT "That's compounded by consumers preferring increasingly slim devices, which, by their nature, have less and less room for batteries. That's one reason that auxiliary portable bat...

Facebook to Broaden Use of Safety Check in Disasters

"The Facebook safety check is interesting but its success is likely to be highly uneven from a global perspective," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-iT. "That's because while the company's 1 billion users is impressive in one sense, it works out to less than 15 pe...

Time for Apple to Broaden Its Model?

Apple has made an effort to grow its product line beyond the core personal computer and mobile phone market, but there are indications that demand for those products has been a bit sluggish in recent weeks, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT Apple TV reportedly w...

Linux Leaders Join HPC Devs on Open Source Framework

Intel's x86 architecture has become the platform of choice for high-end HPC and supercomputing. Linux has followed closely in popularity and prominence, according to Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "It makes great sense that the Linux Foundation is stepping in with ...

BlackBerry’s Priv Puzzles the Tech World

To lock down the Android OS to its liking, BlackBerry baked in its own goods. That should make the phone appealing to BlackBerry's base, according to Charles King, principal analyst forPund-IT "The fact that the BB Priv supports both the company's traditional OS and Android sh...

Circle With Disney Lets Parents Unglue Kids From Media

"Overall, the new Circle with Disney solution appears to offer finer-grained performance than other content monitoring products," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "First, it allows parents to monitor and manage the online material their kids consume via an easy-to-use app that can be used to control a WiFi router...

New Parental Leave Policies, Bookstore Show Amazon’s Softer Side

"I wouldn't suggest that Amazon pursued its new family leave policy purely as a result of The New York Times' stories on the company's labor practices," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "Those sorts of changes usually take considerable effort to organize and ...

The New York Times May Get Technical With Ad Blockers

It's a pretty big problem, said Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT, about the prevalence of ad-blocking tools "If online advertising were to disappear completely, a whole lot of publishers would disappear shortly thereafter," he told the E-Commerce Times....

Qualcomm Unveils Muscle Camera for Surveillance Systems

"Rather than simply collecting data and then transferring it to a data center for processing and analysis, devices like the new Qualcomm 618 IP camera platform have enough compute resources to perform initial analysis on their own," said Charles King, principal analyst atPund-IT...

Google Views Itself Through Machine Learning Lens

It's difficult to think of areas where machine learning wouldn't be valuable, according to Charles King, principal analyst forPund-IT "In essence, what machine learning provides are ways for computerized processes to learn as they go, thus improving performance over time and t...

Magic Leap: Now You See It

AR essentially smashes the limitations of 2D compute visualization, noted Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "You could use Magic Leap or a similar AR device, like Microsoft's Hololens, for any number of work-related tasks or presentations," he told TechNewsWorld....

System 76 Unleashes Wild Dog Pro

The Wild Dog Pro is an interesting product that is "a decidedly different game than traditional Windows-based PCs or even some workstations," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT The new desktop release targets engineers, designers and other professionals who apprec...

Surface Book Evokes Oohs, Ahhs and Sticker Shock

"If Microsoft can actually take on and beat Apple's MacBook products, it will have done something very few vendors have attempted and even fewer have achieved," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT The Surface Book is Microsoft's bid to fully explore and drive the ...

Amazon, NYT Revive Workplace Culture Brouhaha

Amazon "attempted to portray the criticisms used in the original story as being somehow exceptional or unusual, but in each case [Baquet] showed instead that they were individual indicators of larger injustices and broader trends," observed Charles King, principal at Pund-IT I...

Uber Rushes In as Same-Day Deliveries Ramp Up

That said, Uber's might and reputation make it potentially disruptive in any game it chooses to play, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "This effort will place pressure on Sidecar and other services that are attempting to break into the courier market," he told t...

Philips Smart Hub Embraces Siri, HomeKit

Among the biggest barriers to the smart home movement are "ease of use and compelling value," said Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT "The first one is fairly straightforward, but the second can be harder to find," he told TechNewsWorld. "Suffice it to say that there ...

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