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Results 361-380 of 429 for Renay San Miguel

Cisco’s New Router Lives on the Edge

Cisco Systems' new ASR-9000 edge router promises faster delivery of all that rich Internet media destined for personal computers and mobile devices. The US$80,000 question for potential customers: Will it prove to be too rich during challenging economic times? ...

YouTube Bags a Lion

All those singing cats and clumsy kittens you currently see on YouTube will soon be getting some more feline company at the online video Web site: Leo, the roaring, toothy Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer lion ...

FBI Hunts Extortionists Holding Health Data on Millions

Someone is trying to extort money from a company that handles drug prescription benefits for 50 million Americans in what could be one of the more damaging cases of data loss on record. The incident may raise red flags for industry hopes of putting more health care information online in an effort to control costs ...


Election Night TV 2008: Technology for Technology’s Sake

CNN reporter Jessica Yellin has probably heard a lot of compliments during her career, which has included stints at ABC and MSNBC. But I'm guessing anchor Wolf Blitzer's closing comment to her following her live report from Chicago early Tuesday evening was a new one for her ...

Who’s Obama’s Best Bet for Boosting U.S. Technology?

It appears that Silicon Valley will hold Barack Obama to his promise to consider naming a national technology czar/chief technology officer for his administration, and industry observers already have a few suggestions for the president-elect ...

Circuit City May Become Ghost Town

The same credit problems that have hit many a home mortgage holder are also threatening to unplug troubled electronics big-box store Circuit City. The nation's second-largest seller of consumer electronics said Monday it will close 155 stores, lay off up to 17 percent of its 43,000-employee U.S. workforce, and consider all options to restructure its business...


Internet Echo Chamber Drowns Out Real Campaign Issues

This column is dedicated to the intersection of technology and traditional news media. With less than a week to go before America elects a new president, that intersection is looking more and more like the scene of a multi-vehicle pileup ...

Happiness Is a Warm Controller

All together now: The Beatles are getting their own video game ...

Army Intelligence Wonks Discover Twitter

The scenarios jump right out of a Brad Thor or Vince Flynn technothriller novel: Terrorists, using the microblogging service Twitter in conjunction with Google Maps, cell phone video and global positioning system technology, stage an ambush on troops in Iraq or coordinate an attack in an American city. Another terrorist uses Twitter and cell phone video to help remotely detonate a bomb. Yet another terrorist strikes up a Twitter conversation with a U.S. soldier to elicit valuable information...

Lawmakers Whip Up War of Words Over White Spaces

The vote is set for Nov. 4, and the activism is approaching historic -- some say hysteric -- levels. Phone calls, e-mails and press releases are flying in attempts to sway opinions; there are charges and countercharges of questionable political tactics and quotes taken out of context, along with a little name-calling ...

Study Underscores Family Value of Technology

The to-do list for the modern family: ...

Broadcasters Air White Space Grievances

The Federal Communications Commission continues to receive plenty of static from both sides of the television white space debate ...


Scooping the Competition in the Digital Age

One of the books that had a big impact on me during my larval stage as a journalist was Dan Rather's The Camera Never Blinks. The memoir was of Rather's experiences as a truly trailblazing and courageous TV reporter, not Rather the lightning-rod anchor with the southern-fried election night phraseology ...

Patent Law: Juicy Enough for the Silver Screen

The new film "Flash of Genius" may be based on a 1960s case of patent infringement, but its David-vs.-Goliath story involving independent inventors going up against monolithic corporations continues to spin off sequels well into the 21st Century, says a Minneapolis-based patent attorney. And while the movie uses the automotive industry to tell its tale of innovation, obsession and redemption, the new dramas are being played out on the e-commerce and Internet search stages...

FCC Tosses Technical Objections to National Wireless Broadband Plan

While the communications industry waits for the FCC to fill in the blanks on a white spaces policy, the commissioners are going forward with another plan that would provide free wireless Internet access throughout the U.S ...

Can Android Blow Wireless Industry Wide Open?

A research report is throwing more fuel on the prerelease fire surrounding T-Mobile's G1 phone using Google's Android open source operating system. "Success for Android has Little to Do with User Acceptance," claims the ABI Research headline, and director Kevin Burden writes that Android can help sell a lot of smartphones only if carriers and manufacturers "recognize the value to their own business models of using standard platforms."


Should Citizen Journalism Be Placed Under Citizen’s Arrest?

When does an iReport give CNN's credibility a black eye? When its citizen "journalism" about a Steve Jobs heart attack turns out to be phony ...


Attention News Networks: The Web Is Not TV

"No scripts, no teleprompter here, no real structure and no Britney Spears," says anchor Heather Nauert on a Sept. 25 edition of Fox News Channel's "Strategy Room." Then again, who needs Spears when you've got five stunning examples of Fox's now-famous efforts to recruit attractive females, all sitting around a table chatting with much energy about Congressional efforts to bail out the country's economy...

Report: Skype Helped China Snoop on Users

Companies hoping to dial up international business with China may have yet another reason to think twice about privacy concerns, following new revelations that the Communist country has been spying on Skype-based phone calls and text messages ...

Congress Stalls on Economy but Moves on Net Radio Royalties

The weekend media spotlight was on the heated Congressional negotiations that produced a financial bailout bill, which promptly went nowhere. But hidden somewhere in the static of dealmaking, rhetoric and counteroffers was a strong signal of support for Internet radio ...

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