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Results 341-360 of 1290 for Charles King

HP Debuts Skinniest Laptop Ever

The new line "carries some of the thin design and high-end finishing touches that HP introduced in its EliteBook Folio earlier this year," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT HP "is hoping that surpassing Apple in terms of thinness will spark notebook sales," he to...

4-Inch iPhone: Slow and Steady May Win the Race

"The target customers for the SE are more conservative and careful than consumers who buy new phones on a whim," added Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, "but if lackluster adoption persists, the SE could be in trouble." A recent Apple hiccup also could have dampened ...

That Time When Instead of Saying ‘April Fool!’ Google Had to Say ‘Sorry!’

Google "has been responsible for some of the better tech-related pranks of the past few years, including Google Gulp in 2005, Gmail Paper in 2007, and Google Translate for Animals in 2010," recalled Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT He also has "a soft spot for some o...

Foxconn Finally Wrangles Sharp Deal

Taiwanese company Foxconn's acquisition of Sharp would mark the first time a major Japanese company has been purchased by an international company, noted Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT. That will add significant "complexities and headaches" when it comes to integrating the two companies...

Facebook Plots Secret Chat for Messenger

"Since Facebook has long said it would continue to develop and support its own message app, it makes sense that it would adopt specific WhatsApp features into its own solutions," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT Mobile Piggyback...

For Many Users, Instagram Algorithm Is Not a Pretty Picture

In order to achieve more favorable placement, companies were required to purchase Facebook's advertising services, Pund-IT Principal Analyst Charles King explained "Companies that depend on Instagram to drive recognition and revenues will be hard-pressed not to buy in," he tol...

You Rang? Microsoft’s Holoportation Redefines Face-to-Face Communication

The proliferation of holograms in homes and workplaces will hinge on how well Microsoft can deliver the tech, according to Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT ...

Blendle Bets Readers Will Micropay for Good Journalism

Failure of the micropayment model to catch on more widely is "partially due to clumsy, cumbersome payment mechanisms, an issue that could well be addressed by the evolution of digital wallet technologies," Pund-IT Principal Analyst Charles King told the E-Commerce Times Blend...

Google Says Sayonara to Chrome App Launcher

"The company should benefit by cutting costs and effort on what it considers an unnecessary feature. The main negative here is that doing so could tick off Chrome users who prefer the App Launcher," remarked Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. Little Time Left...

Amazon Power User Excommunicated

While these cases appear to be rare, they might do more harm to Amazon than good, sugested Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "By almost any measure, the cost of absorbing returned items is minimal compared to the Internet's ability to transform bad publicity into bran...

Google Supercharges Enterprise Analytics

The suite will challenge others in the market, said Charles King, principal analyst with Pund-IT "The suite's personalization toolset should allow Google to enter markets where specialty firms like Optimizely have long held sway," he told the E-Commerce Times....

Digital Assistants Fail Abysmally in Crisis Situations

"I think the JAMA report is useful in puncturing the marketing balloons that inflate these products," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, adding that assistants like Siri and Cortana are voice-activated services that support specific functions "Calling them 'perso...

WhatsApp Case May Be New Encryption Battleground

The DoJ may be getting more aggressive in pursuing these kinds of cases with the WhatsApp investigation, given the pressure on Congress to intervene and the furor over the Apple encryption case, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "That's partly due to the tech ind...

Oculus Opens Social Doors for Gear VR

Parent company Facebook has been planning to use Oculus Social to change the inherently exclusionary nature of VR, according to Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT "First, the company indicated that Oculus users will be able to share space in VR, interacting socially, ...

Microsoft Sees the Light and Joins Eclipse

Joining the Eclipse Foundation marks a significant turnaround in Microsoft's attitude and strategy regarding open source, according to Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. Former CEO Steve Ballmer called Linux a cancer, and Linux code was pilfered from Windows "While Mi...

Epic Games Founder Rails Against Microsoft’s Walled Garden

If a walled garden is such a concern, why has Sweeney singled out Microsoft and failed to note Apple's similarly exclusionary practices and others? noted Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT Sweeney also seemed to make the assumption that Microsoft is more interested in...

Supreme Court Denial Closes Apple’s E-Book Case

"It seems reasonable to say that the court case has likely negatively impacted Apple's position in the book market, both in terms of sales and reputation," remarked Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT The Ruling's Impact...

Apple Geniuses Flock to Twitter

Providing support through Twitter will be a valuable service for Apple, as many companies have already discovered, noted Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "There are hundreds of companies by this time that maintain a watch on social media to monitor comments about the...

Amazon’s Alexa Goes to Work in 2 New Devices

Both products, while addressing separate needs, help make up for shortcomings in the Amazon Echo and Alexa voice services, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "The Echo Dot is likely to be used by consumers who want to extend the range of existing Amazon Echoes, re...

German Authorities to Examine Facebook’s Data Practices

German regulators are focusing on two central issues, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "First is the way Facebook dominates social markets via four of the eight most popular social apps/services," including Facebook, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram, h...

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