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Results 321-340 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Facebook Extends Its Reach With New Embedded Posts

Hard on the heels of its recent venture into mobile gaming, Facebook on Wednesday debuted its latest social networking innovation: embedded posts, a feature that allows users to add public posts from Facebook to their blog or website ...

Instagram Erases WinPho 8 Photos

Windows Phone 8 users with a penchant for posting photos on Instagram have been out of luck in more ways than one recently. Not only is there no native Instagram Windows Phone app, forcing users to resort to third-party apps instead, but this week, users of those outside apps began seeing their Instagram photos disappear without warning or explanation...

Tech Industry Closes Ranks Behind Apple as ITC Ban Looms

The Business Software Alliance is pushing to overturn the U.S. International Trade Commission's ban against older iPhones and iPads, maintaining that it would set a dangerous precedent, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal ...

Experian Steps Up Its Social Engagement Push

It can be difficult enough to market to consumers through one channel, but trying to work across channels compounds that difficulty considerably. Enter Experian Marketing Services, which recently upgraded its cross-channel marketing platform with several new features. ...

SMS Marketing’s Fine Line

The case for SMS marketing is easy to make. It's cheap and it's easy. It can be far-reaching, given how many people carry cellphones now -- and did I mention that it's cheap? ...

Microsoft’s New Strategy Skims the Surface

Microsoft has slashed the price of its Surface RT by some 30 percent, or US$150, putting the price of the tablet now at approximately $350, depending on the version ...

New ClearSlide App Paves Sales Reps’ Mobile Path to Cloud Content

ClearSlide has already released several mobile apps targeting salespeople on the road, and recently it rolled out another key piece of its platform in mobile form. ...

Every Step You Take, Stores Are Watching You

In an effort to catch up with their data-swamped online counterparts, brick-and-mortar retailers are turning to a new tool to help them better monitor shoppers and maximize sales: shoppers' cell phones ...

SMS: The Energizer Bunny of Mobile Advertising

Like everyone else with a pulse, Paul Rand, president and CEO of Zocalo Group, has noted the phenomenal growth of mobile advertising. Statistic after statistic confirms such observations, including the latest from the Interactive Advertising Bureau, which last week reported that mobile advertising revenue leaped an eye-popping 82.8 percent to $8.9 billion in 2012...

iPhone Deal May Leave Verizon on the Hook for $14B

Verizon may owe Apple between US$12 billion and $14 billion for not selling as many iPhones as it promised to this year, according to two analyst reports revealed Thursday ...

Ask Customers (Online) and Ye Could Receive

If ever there was a case for conducting online customer surveys, Adam Lasky, global social media coordinator at Spreadshirt, has lived it ...

B&N CEO Gets the Hook on Losses From Nook

Barnes & Noble's board of directors on Monday announced changes in the company's executive ranks that extend all the way to the top echelon ...

B&N CEO Gets the Hook on Losses From Nook

Barnes & Noble's board of directors on Monday announced changes in the company's executive ranks that extend all the way to the top echelon ...

Don’t Look Now, but Mobile Privacy Regulations Are on the Way

The issue of mobile privacy has been simmering for years, and it's long been apparent that there will be some movement at the government level sooner or later ...

Michael Dell’s Buyout Offer Gets a Key Thumbs-Up

Things are looking better and better for Michael Dell's proposed US$24.4 billion leveraged buyout offer for the company he founded. ...


Pipeliner 5.2 Keeps CRM in Sync

After making its beta debut back in 2009, Pipeliner CRM software recently graduated to version 5.2, bringing with it the ability to automatically sync data in near real time -- for both Mac and PC computers -- locally or through the cloud ...

Texas Congressman Raps Glass for Lack of Privacy

Google Glass has generated a more or less steady stream of privacy criticisms and concerns since it was first announced, but the company's latest effort to satisfy critics has apparently fallen short ...


Getting Time on Your Mobile Ad’s Side

This story was originally published on March 5, 2013, and is brought to you today as part of our Best of ECT News series ...

Birch Buys Bebo Back for Just a Million Bucks

Remember Bebo? In its heyday, five or six years ago, the social networking site showed enough promise to be considered a possible rival to then-dominant MySpace -- and to pull in an US$850 million purchase price when it was acquired by AOL ...

Microsoft Plays Collaboration Catch-Up With Updated Dynamics CRM

Microsoft on Tuesday morning unveiled the latest iteration of its Microsoft Dynamics CRM software complete with enhancements including Skype, Yammer and Lync integration as well as widepread availability of MarketingPilot ...

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