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Results 281-300 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

White House Urges FCC to Legalize Cellphone Unlocking

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration this week petitioned the Federal Communications Commission to require wireless carriers to unlock mobile phones, tablets and other devices upon request of the customer ...

Google’s Next Search: The Fountain of Youth

Google on Wednesday launched Calico, a company that will focus on health and well-being, with a particular emphasis on aging and associated diseases ...

Netflix Gives Itself a Personality Makeover

Netflix on Monday updated its "long-term view" of the industry to include a far wider range of competitive factors than it has ever had in the past. The company also adjusted its competitive focus accordingly, taking into account a number of players that it had previously ignored ...

It’s Still Early Days for Real-Time Bidding

Real-time bidding holds numerous benefits for mobile marketers, but there are downsides to the ad technology as well ...

Investors All Atwitter Over IPO News

Twitter is moving forward with its long-awaited initial public offering, and it announced the news in a particularly fitting manner: "We've confidentially submitted an S-1 to the SEC for a planned IPO," it said in a tweet sent on Thursday ...

NSA Comments Put Zuckerberg’s Political Clout to the Test

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg did not pull any punches Wednesday in describing the U.S. government's communications approach to revelations that the National Security Agency has been accessing digital conversations around the world -- and using tech companies such as Facebook in the process ...

Efficiency Leads the List of Real-Time Bidding’s Lures

With its ability to match ad-inventory supply and demand in real time against the attributes of any given viewer,real-time bidding is starting to make its way into the delivery of mobile ads ...

Icahn Concedes Defeat to Dell ‘Dictators’

Activist investor Carl Icahn has given up his fierce struggle to prevent Michael Dell from buying his namesake company and taking it private. ...


Qualtrics Aims to Make Surveys Mobile-Friendlier

It's a fact of life in market research that the success of any survey will depend at least in part on its accessibility to the intended respondents. Toward that end, Qualtrics has released Qualtrics Mobile, a new app designed to help reach respondents on the go ...

MS Win in Moto Patent Case Could Mean Big Money

A federal court in Seattle this week upheld Microsoft's claim that Motorola Mobility refused to license its standard essential patents at a fair and reasonable cost, resulting in an award to Microsoft of US$14.5 million in damages, according to media reports ...


Silverpop Promises a Personalized Web Page for Every Customer

It's no longer uncommon for marketers to customize the messages they send via email, but such personalization capabilities haven't typically been extended to Web content. Enter Silverpop, which last week released a beta version of Smart Content, a new product designed to enable just that ...

Takes Two to Text: Message Senders Could Be Liable for Distracting Drivers

A three-judge panel from the Superior Court of New Jersey's appellate division has pushed the envelope a little further in defining who is liable for accidents caused by texting ...

Car Makers Face an Increasingly Bumpy Road

There is something odd happening between Americans and their usually intense love relationships with their cars. One survey points to a slight, but still worrisome, drop in customer satisfaction with vehicles and light trucks this past year; another shows that Americans are driving less -- much less in some cases ...

Facebook Ascending in Mobile Ad Revenue

One short year ago, Facebook had virtually no presence on the mobile platform, at least in terms of ad activity and monetization. Today, it's not only flourishing but showing real signs of leading the pack one day ...

Foursquare, Win 8 Make Each Other Look Good

Foursquare has released a new Windows 8 app in the Windows store that promises dividends for both Microsoft and the social network itself ...

Real-Time Bidding Makes Its Way Into the Mobile Ad World

Real-time bidding, or "programmatic buying" as it is sometimes called, is remaking the online ad industry with its approach of matching supply and demand of ad inventory in real time against the attributes of any given viewer ...

Microsoft’s Next CEO Will Have a Tough Row to Hoe

By now the shock is wearing off and the steely-eyed calculations have begun following Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer's announcement on Friday that he will step down from his post some time within the next 12 months ...

Delta Banks on 19,000 Windows Phones to Ramp Up Customer Service

Delta Air Lines has outfitted its more than 19,000 flight attendants with Windows Phone 8 mobile devices that it expects will further customer service and facilitate on-board transactions ...


Echopass Revs Its Engines for Enterprise Contact Centers

Echopass recently unveiled a new enterprise edition of its software for corporations that use the cloud to manage their contact center operations. The offering consists of more than 40 applications and services aimed at centers that support between 500 to 20,000 agents ...

J.Crew Earns Top Marks on Retailer Report Cards

Top brands continue to push the envelope in customer service generally, but that's particularly true in the online sphere ...

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