Search Results

Results 2801-2820 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Why Your Customers Hate Your Web Site

The links on your site work. Your corporate information is up to date -- complete with easy to find contact information. Your Web price special is there, flashing wildly, for all to see ...

SugarCRM, Microsoft Tighten Interoperability

Microsoft andSugarCRM will team up to enhance interoperability between Microsoft Windows Server and SugarCRM products so users can take better advantage of the simplified administration available on the Windows platform. The companies made the announcement Tuesday at the Open Source Business Conference in San Francisco ...

Virgin Mobile Debuts Europe’s First Mobile TV Service

European cellular network provider ...

Can RIM Withstand Microsoft’s Direct Push?

Microsoft is aggressively promoting its push e-mail service as a slew of partner carriers announce its availability at an industry trade show ...

Salesnet Broadens CRM Reach

Salesnet, an on-demand vendor known for its distinctive sales methodologies, is broadening its application's reach to include marketing and service. In doing so, it is taking aim at, arguably the market leader in the CRM on-demand space ...

Retailers Use Blogs to Cement Customer Relationships

Eva Yusa is not crazy about eBay. One problem for her -- just to name one -- is that you have to wait a while to find out if you won the bid. It is not her idea of a customer-friendly shopping experience, she writes in her blog. "It's like breadlines in Russia. Please pick me, take my money!" ...

Google Launches New Tools in Bid for Desktop Dominance

Google has introduced a new version of its desktop software that gives users the ability to find information on any PC and then share it with others ...

RIM Workaround May Give BlackBerry Users Breathing Room

Research In Motion has alleviated -- just a little -- the worries of 2 million or so BlackBerry users who would be affected if the U.S. District Court in Richmond, Va., should levy an injunction against the service later this month ...

Oracle Set to Make Job Cuts Following Siebel Deal

Oracle reportedly is set to announce that it will cut more than 1,000 jobs now that its acquisition of Siebel has closed ...

Business Intelligence Market on Strong Growth Trajectory

The business intelligence software market is poised for steady global expansion, according to Gartner, which projects a compound annual growth rate of 7.3 percent from 2004 to 2009 ...

SalesGene Aims to Bridge Marketing-Sales Divide

SalesGene, a provider of a relatively new CRM subsector technology dubbed "marketing-sales effectiveness," has introduced Landslide, a portal-styled application that provides guidance on how to navigate certain sales situations, as well as live administrative assistance for one-on-one advice to individual salespeople ...

Yahoo, AOL Certified E-Mail – Boon for Internet Security?

AOL and Yahoo are planning to launch a certified e-mail program in the coming months in conjunction with partner company Goodmail Systems. They announced their intentions last Fall, but the recent news that some marketers would be able to pay premium rates to bypass recipients' spam filters has raised hackles throughout the tech industry ...

Sony Ericsson Targets the Enterprise with M600 Phone

Sony Ericsson has taken direct aim at the handheld business solutions market -- which BlackBerry once owned -- with the release Monday of its new M600 phone and messaging device, the second Symbian OS 9.1 and UIQ 3.0 enabled phone in the Sony Ericsson product line ...

E-Mail Fees Could Change E-Commerce Economies

The news that AOL and Yahoo are planning to roll out a certified e-mail delivery service based on partner company Goodmail Systems' CertifiedEmail methodology is leading some e-mail marketers and related providers of e-commerce services to conclude that a sea-change -- largely unwelcome -- is underway in their industry ...

New Five9 App Targets Inbound Contact Center Pain Points

Five9, an on-demand provider of customer interaction management, has introduced a new application aimed at addressing the most troublesome portion of agent-customer communication: the inbound call ...

The Oracle Effect – Watch Out for CRM Sticker Shock

Both Oracle and Siebel have developed a reputation for maintaining a hard line on pricing. Now that they are merging, buyers of CRM and related software are apprehensive about how the consolidation will affect pricing ...

Opponents Fume Over China’s Grip on Web Firms

The Faustian bargains that Google, Yahoo and Microsoft felt compelled to make with the Chinese government in order to maintain access to its vaunted market are not likely to be broken on grounds they qualify as trade barriers ...

Survey Shows More Users Willing to Consider Hybrid SaaS

There is greater demand than previously thought for a hybrid software-as-a-service (SaaS) product, suggests a Yankee Group survey scheduled for mid-February release ...

Kama Sutra Is All Tease and No Action

Consumer and corporate Windows users had the chance to reminisce about the good old days of computer malware as the latest worm, dubbed Kama Sutra, made its expected appearance on Feb. 3 ...

SAP Launches New Hosted CRM App

SAP has unveiled its hosted customer relationship management application, putting an end to the recent flood of speculation about when it would arrive and what it would look like ...

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