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Results 241-260 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

T-Mobile’s ‘Un-Carrier’ Strategy Pays Off

T-Mobile U.S. ended its third quarter of 2013 with roughly a million more customers than it had at the end of the preceding quarter, it announced in an earnings report on Tuesday ...

Google Turns Hangouts Into Office Space

Google on Monday introduced a new social media feature called Helpouts, a real-time channel that's designed to let businesses and individuals give and get help over live video ...

Mobile CRM Design, Part 2: Refining the M-Commerce Experience

Mobile CRM Design, Part 1: Different Devices, Different Rules ...

Twitter’s Got High IPO Hopes

Twitter on Monday gave would-be investors in its initial public offering more food for thought in a new Securities and Exchange filing ...


ZipRealty Brings CRM to Real Estate Agents on the Go

ZipRealty recently released a mobile CRM app that complements its custom-built Zap online CRM system. While the mobile version, dubbed "mobile Zap," has the same functionality as its online desktop counterpart, it was designed with an eye to accommodating real estate agents' on-the-go schedules, Jamie Wilson, the company's senior vice president of technology, told CRM Buyer...

Adobe Hack Victim Count Skyrockets to 38M

After initially estimating that a mere 3 million customers had been affected by the security breach it announced at the start of October, Adobe on Wednesday admitted that the actual number now looks to be closer to an eye-popping 38 million. In addition, the breach seems to be more far-reaching than initially thought, extending to the Photoshop family of products as well...

Mobile CRM Design, Part 1: Different Devices, Different Rules

Most mobile app developers today have the basics of e-commerce design down pat. Increasingly, they are now thinking about the psychology of the user and how that should be factored into a mobile site or app's design ...

Google Rivals Get Another Shot at EU Antitrust Deal-Busting

EU regulators are seeking feedback from Google's rivals and other third parties on the company's latest attempt to settle antitrust allegations against it in Europe. If the company can come to a settlement, it will avoid the expense of a messy trial as well as a possible US$5 billion fine ...


SalesAgility Sweetens CRM With Open Source Sugar

SalesAgility last week rolled out SuiteCRM, an application that's designed to offer a fully open source alternative to SugarCRM Professional Edition ...

Microsoft Gets a Lift From the Cloud

Microsoft on Thursday announced revenue of US$18.53 billion and net income of $5.24 billion for its first quarter of 2014 ...

LinkedIn Brings Users’ Profiles to the In-Box

LinkedIn on Wednesday announced three new mobile apps designed to increase users' productivity and mobile reach ...

SEC Opens the Door to Crowdfunding

The Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday unanimously voted to propose new rules that would allow entrepreneurs to sell securities through crowdfunding portals such as Kickstarter ...

Facebook: Decapitation Vids Are OK if You Oppose Decapitation

Facebook has reversed a ban that it implemented earlier this year forbidding the posting of graphic and gruesome content such as videos of decapitations and other atrocities ...

Mobile CRM’s Next Battleground: Point of Sale

Some brands' mobile CRM efforts amount essentially to creating versions of their websites that are visually friendly to mobile users ...

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Sharpens Social Skills

Microsoft on Monday announced the availability of its latest version of Dynamics CRM along with a new partnership with InsideView that adds social intelligence capabilities to the CRM system ...


Avaya Aims IP Office 9.0 Squarely at Mid-Sized Users

Avaya last week released a slew of new applications onto the market, including a robust collaboration platform that targets mid-sized companies ...

5 Traps to Avoid in Social CRM for Retail

It is difficult to overstate the importance of social CRM to retailers given the almost tailor-made suitability of Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest et al. for reaching out and engaging with customers ...

When Your Mobile Meter Is Running, Google Will Pay the Tab

Google is planning to compensate users for letting it monitor their behavior via a mobile app currently in development. The project is part of Google's Screenwise market research program, which was launched about a year ago, Google spokesperson Andrea Faville told the E-Commerce Times. ...

In-App Processing: It’s Not Just About the Money Anymore

In-application features have been all about revenue so far, but as the technology evolves and mobile becomes ever more entrenched in consumers' psyches, the in-app phenomenon will likely spread to other forms of customer outreach as well, including messaging ...

Facebook to Set Up Shop in Israel’s Tech Hub

Facebook on Monday announced it was acquiring Onavo, a 3-year-old company that has developed a data compression technology for smartphones, among other things ...

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