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Results 241-260 of 1290 for Charles King

Accenture and Docker Team on Container Services

Docker stands to gain significantly from the alliance, given the size of Accenture's client base for its Cloud Factory and Cloud First solutions. Accenture has more than 20,000 projects, with three-quarters from Fortune 500 firms, according to Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT...

Google Nabs Kaggle to Stay Ahead of Data Science Curve

The data science community is relatively new, and there has been a marked shortage of qualified candidates for data science positions, noted Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "Acquiring Kaggle will offer Google Cloud numerous opportunities to support innovative and fo...

Online Trust Alliance Launches IoT Security Campaign

The message has importance, but it might me coming from the wrong messenger, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "The security of IoT devices is certainly something to worry about, but I don't have a lot of faith in the OTA's grassroots attempt to address what sho...

Google Invites Open Source Devs to Give E2EMail Encryption a Go

"Google has been criticized over the amount of time and seeming lack of progress it has made in E2EMail encryption, so open sourcing the code could help the project proceed more quickly," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. That will not stop critics, as reaction...

Zero W Joins Raspberry Pi Family on 5th Birthday

The new computer is a timely and welcome upgrade to the Raspberry ecosystem, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "In essence, it seamlessly integrates popular, valuable wireless capabilities that were only available previously through customization," he told LinuxI...

Snap Sells Itself as Camera Company as IPO Nears

"The company's valuation was trimmed slightly, due in large part to competitors copying Snap's features and services," noted Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "But if imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, the fact that high-profile companies like Facebook are f...

Uber Wants Fleeing Customers to Know It’s Hurting

"Uber's predicament is a reminder that the line between being perceived as a leading-edge innovator and a tone-deaf jerk is exceedingly thin, Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT, told the E-Commerce Times. "These allegations fit Uber's pattern of ignoring rules and dis...

Rich Content Makes WhatsApp Look a Lot More Like Snapchat

End-to-end encryption is a key distinction between WhatsApp and its competitors, noted Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "That's an important point for people sharing private messages with individuals and groups, and is one reason for WhatsApp's widespread global succ...

Munich City Government to Dump Linux Desktop

The cultural and marketplace dynamics that caused Munich's initial migration from Windows have changed, noted Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. That makes it unlikely that Munich's latest reversal will have much impact on how other government entities might view ad...

Apple Formally Joins High-Powered AI Partnership

As for why Apple decided to join the partnership now, "Apple does things if and when it wants to, on its own timeline," observed Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "The company may also have wanted to see how the group's members were organizing themselves, whether th...

Facebook Taps Barra to Push VR to the Next Level

Barra is an "interesting choice" to lead the Oculus team, given that his primary experience has been in the mobile space with Android and Xiaomi, remarked Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT Xiaomi did bring its Mi VR device and platform to market, he pointed out....

Wine 2.0’s New Delights Uncorked

"I wouldn't call [Wine 2.0] a big deal for most enterprises, but it will be handy for some employees and work groups, like developers, who by and large prefer Linux to using Windows-based systems," said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. Many of those folks run neces...

Red Hat’s OpenShift Container Platform Expands Cloud Options

The new OpenShift Container Platform and service gives Red Hat customers an easy way to adopt and use Google Cloud as a public of hybrid cloud environment, noted Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT. "It will be a welcome addition in many or most enterprise IT shops, es...

Apple to Jack Up App Prices in UK

"That's impossible to forecast accurately, but the cost of most apps is generally modest, so I doubt the impact will be huge," said Charles King, principal analyst atPund-IT However, "higher-priced apps could be affected more seriously," he told the E-Commerce Times....

Instagram Stories to Feature Video Ads

Instagram has taken a page straight out of the Snapchat playbook, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT Snapchat successfully launched its own Stories platform with a component called "SnapAds." ...

iPhone at 10: The Best Is Yet to Come?

Prior to the iPhone's arrival, most vendors believed there was scant need or demand for a palm-sized "smart" device supporting search, media consumption and other Internet-based functions, recalled Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "The iPhone put an end to those assu...

Atlassian Scoops Up Trello for $425 Million

Every successful startup must face the internal conflict between scaling up quickly through acquisition or growing organically, observed Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "That either requires the company to double down, by acquiring additional funding and quite ofte...

Google, FCA Test-Drive New Open Source Infotainment System

The digital technology breakthrough may steer car makers away from non-open source in-car solutions, suggested Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "The computerization of automobiles has been progressing rapidly, but less clear has been the process through which automak...

Crowd Forms on Alexa Bandwagon

While Alexa is well ahead of its competitors, rivals like Google Voice and Microsoft Cortana are progressing significantly, said Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT Both companies have "substantial partnerships that they will bring to the fore," he told TechNewsWorld.

Lenovo Surprises With Home Tech Play

Overall, Lenovo's new notebook lineup is solid, observed Charles King, principal analyst at Pund-IT "The updates to the Thinkpad X1 family are solid extensions of that platform, and the Legion laptops should put Lenovo on a more equal footing with other gaming PC vendors, lik...

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