Search Results

Results 2761-2780 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Microsoft’s Slow Reflexes Prompt Outside Firms to Fix IE Flaw

A new flaw in Microsoft's Internet Explorer has come to light, but the software giant does not expect to issue a patch for it until April 11. However, at least two outside firms have issued patches that may be used in the interim ...

Report: Rough Weather Ahead for Contact Center Market

The contact center and software and service market continues to remain fragmented, according to Gartner's latest report on the industry, with various applications in the space addressing only a portion of users' needs ...

On-Premise Vendors Eye Subscription License Model

In the coming year, there will be a new focus on partnerships among SaaS vendors, and large ISVs will spin off on-demand versions of their products. Those are among the trends most likely to manifest, says analyst firm IDC in its new study, "Top 10 Predictions for 2006: Software as a Service." ...

Microsoft Realigns Windows on Heels of Vista Postponement

Microsoft is restructuring its Platforms & Services Division ostensibly to better align Windows and MSN assets with its overall Live strategy ...

The Open Source CRM Ripple Effect

Two years ago or so, a handful of upstart companies entered the CRM market offering open source technologies designed specifically for this space. At the time, open source CRM was neither mature nor relevant enough to corporate deployment needs to make much of a dent in the CRM space ...

CDC Courts Onyx Again; Outlines Plan for New Company

CDC has made another proposal to buy Onyx following its failed attempt in January. At the same time, it announced plans to form a new company to manage the various enterprise applications under the corporate umbrella ...

Amdocs Ventures Into Retail Banking

Amdocs continues to leverage its telephony roots to expand into retail banking, introducing three vertical applications for the financial services market under an approach called Dynamic Banking ...

Oracle: New Apps, Maintenance Drive 42 Percent Profit Growth

Oracle reported a 42 percent increase in Q3 fiscal 2006 profits, the first quarter following the completion of its acquisition of Siebel Systems ...

Integration Push Fires Up CRM Mid-Market

Microsoft is formalizing a trend that has been front and center in the CRM arena for years; the integrated suite approach to customer service is already a staple of most enterprise applications. Now, though, it has trickled down to the mid-market and even small business spaces ...

SAP’s Safe Passage Program Attracts 200-Plus Firms

More than 200 former PeopleSoft, JD Edwards, Siebel and Retek customers have moved to SAP via its Safe Passage program since its introduction January 2005 ...

Judge’s Ruling a Mixed Bag for Privacy Concerns

Search engine users concerned about the government's new interest in search term data were relieved by a Federal judge's ruling on Friday. Judge James Ware of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, said Google must provide the government with 50,000 Web addresses in its search engine index -- but it doesn't have to provide a sample of search queries...

VoIP Vendors Have SMBs in Their Sight Lines

"In terms of new VoIP products, this is definitely the year of the small business,"John Macario, president of Savatar, told CRM Buyer ...

Sony Forges Ahead With Blu-ray

Moving closer to the long-expected smackdown between the Blu-ray and HD-DVD high definition product standards, Sony has announced several new product releases designed to support the Blu-ray camp ...

New Lawson Suite Builds on IBM Tech Stack

Lawson Software has bundled IBM's tech stack in the latest version of its enterprise resource planning (ERP) suite, Release 9, for the first time since the firm announced a partnership with Big Blue last year ...

Microsoft’s Entry Sure to Stir Things Up in Search Ad Space

Microsoft has begun testing display advertising across its Web Services network, which includes Microsoft Office Live, Windows Live Mail and MSN Spaces. The initial ad purchases by Coca-Cola Brazil, JCPenney and Monster Worldwide are sure to touch off a heated battle between Google and, to a lesser extent, Yahoo ...

Microsoft CRM Gains Traction Among Enterprises

Originally positioned as a small company application, Microsoft Dynamics CRM is clearly gunning for the enterprise with its latest release, rolled out in December ...

NetSuite Rolls Out Software Vertical App

Continuing to develop its verticalization strategy, NetSuite has launched "NetSuite Software Company Edition," an application for the software industry. Not surprisingly, its design was based in part on NetSuite's own experiences, the company said ...

McAfee Virus Definition Goof Results in Lost Files

An error made by security software provider McAfee on Friday has caused user systems to delete or quarantine a number of executable files, including some Microsoft Excel documents, that had never been infected by a virus ...

The Intellectual Property Pitfalls of Enterprise IT

Last Friday -- essentially the eleventh hour of a years-long lawsuit -- Research In Motion reached a US$612.5 million settlement withNTP, relieving legions of customers who have come to feel they cannot possibly last very long without their BlackBerries ...

Microsoft Targets Google With Live Search Rollout, Acquisition

Microsoft is picking up speed in its race to overtake Google's huge lead in search technology with the rollout of a beta search application and the announcement it has acquired a privately held company's search technology assets ...

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