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Results 2521-2540 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Two New CRM Apps Target Banking Industry

Over the last week, two partnerships -- Pegasystems and IBM,and Amdocs and SAS -- have emerged to offer new CRMapplications for the banking industry ...

Oracle’s Siebel Still Dominates CRM Landscape

Siebel led a list of top CRM applications ranked according to their size and expertise in eight vertical markets in a recent IDC report. Not surprisingly,Oracle's other CRM solutions -- thanks to multiple acquisitions over the last several years -- also dominate a majority of the categories ...

Cingular Launches Slim BlackJack Smartphone

Cingular, Samsung and Microsoft have launched a new smartphone that leverages the latest functionality in Microsoft's Windows Mobile 5.0 operating system and takes advantage of consumer demand for the ultra slim form factor ...

Is Google Bracing for Legal Onslaught Against YouTube?

Google is supposedly setting aside a US$500 million slush fund to cover copyright infringement claims likely to arise in connection with its acquisition. However, the rumor, which surfaced this week in a blog, is not true, claimed Google CEO Eric Schmidt at the Web 2.0 Summit ...

IBM Trims Privacy Concerns With ‘Clipped Tag’ RFID

When Wal-Mart started talking about using RFID technology to get a better handle on the demand signal in its supply chains, one frightening image embedded itself in consumers' collective imaginations: a manufacturer, retailer or both tracking the use and disposal of an individual's razor blade, toothbrush or can of deodorant ...

DoD’s RFID Initiatives Rewriting Supply Chain Equation

RFID initiatives introduced by the Department of Defense and private sector providers such asSavi Technology or Boeing are driving greater use of the technology in the aerospace and defense industries ...

SAS Upgrades Explore Digital Marketing

SAS has upgraded its marketing automation and marketing optimization applications with newfunctionality. While not a point release, the upgrades are worth noting because of their inclusion -- for the first time -- of digital marketing ...

Report: Microsoft XML Exploit Unpatched and in the Wild

A vulnerability in Microsoft's XML HTTP request handling can be exploited via an ActiveX control through a Web browser -- specifically Internet Explorer -- according to IBM's Internet Security Systems, which claims to have originally identified the flaw. The vulnerability, which is currently being leveraged by spyware producers to install malware on exposed computers, is unpatched and active in the wild, said Gunter Ollmann, Director of X-Force for IBM Internet Security Systems...

Microsoft Introduces CRM Upgrade for Vista, Office 2007

Microsoft plans to ship a retooled version of its Dynamics CRM 3.0 application when Office 2007 and Windows Vista ship at the end of November. The compatibility upgrade is one strategy the company is using to encourage corporate buyers to adopt the new Vista-Office bundle ...

Yahoo Adds Food to List of Specialty Portals

Yahoo is preparing to do for food what it has done for finance, sports, news, pets and a myriad of other subjects: Build a Web-based portal ...

SalesGene Changes Name, Revamps Sales-Marketing App

SalesGene, a startup that worked a niche category of sales force automation called "marketing sales effectiveness," has renamed itself and repositioned its product in order to better serve its potential buyers ...

Microsoft Puts Finishing Touches on Office 2007

Microsoft said Monday that it has finalized its new Office 2007 code and released it to manufacturing. The productivity software suite will be available to corporate customers on November 30, along with the Windows Vista operating system and new Exchange e-mail server ...

Little Used Service Opens New Vulnerability in XP

A newly discovered but minor denial-of-service flaw in Windows XP could allow hackers to crash the operating system's firewall. However, the pool of affected computers appears relatively small ...


An Alternative Guide to Election 2006

You didn't have to be at the meet and greet event thissummer when Virginia Senate hopeful George Allen referred to his opponent's volunteer -- who was present in the crowd video taping the speech -- as "macaca," a remark perceived as a racial slur against the Fairfax, Va., native of Indian descent ...

Microsoft Rolls Out Media Player 11 for Windows XP

Microsoft has released Windows Media Player 11 for Windows XP. Besides offering such incremental improvements as better sync and search capabilities, this latest download is the first with URGE -- MTV Networks' digital music center -- directly embedded into the application as a default setting. This release also lets consumers test drive Media Player 11 for Windows Vista...

eGain Introduces Service 7.6

eGain Communications on Monday released the latest iterationof its self-service application, eGain Service 7.6.New features include guidance on complex customerinteractions and tweaks to security, as well as additionalprocess improvement. The changes, eGain CEO AshuRoy told CRM Buyer, are based on either customerrequests or the company's experiences in the field...

Foreign Ownership of Machines Latest E-Voting Fear Factor

Concerns have been growing that voting machine mishaps might undermine the results of the upcoming Congressional elections -- among the most bitterly fought in recent memory -- either through glitches in the new technology or through outright fraud ...

NetSuite Rolls Out SuiteFlex Customization App

NetSuite has introduced a new development platform that gives both users and partners deeper customization capabilities for their respective needs. Called "SuiteFlex," the platform gives customers the tools to build their own workflows and user interfaces -- for example, a billing application that reflects the multiple pricing policies the firm offers -- within NetSuite...

Common Pitfalls in Sourcing

Renault is marketing a car called the Logan -- a starter vehicle that retails for about US$6,300. A safety conscious consumer may pause before getting in -- but he shouldn't, or at least not more so than he would with any other car. Renault is not cutting corners in its manufacturing process. Instead, Renault is reverse engineering its landed costs to make sure its manufacturing and sources processes are done at the lowest cost possible...

Microsoft Opens Sender ID Standard

Microsoft is making greater portions of its Sender ID framework, a security standard designed to ensure that e-mails come from legitimate sources, available under its Open Specification Promise (OSP) program ...

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