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Results 2501-2520 of 2863 for Erika Morphy

Sage Buys Document Tracking Technology for ACT

Sage Software this week purchased financial services compliance and document tracking technology from VerticalFalls, in order to expand Sage's ACT product family ...

Security Hole in Microsoft Word Threatens Millions

Microsoft is currently investigating a vulnerability in certain editions of its Word Software that couldopen millions of unprotected PCs to hacker attacks ...

IBM to Acquire Consul Risk Management Solution

IBM this week announced an agreement to acquire Consul Risk Management, a provider of identity access monitoring software that works across mainframe and distributed environments. When the acquisition closes sometime during Q1 2007, the software will be part of IBM's Tivoli software unit, complementing other access and control management offerings ...

Witness Acquisition to Enhance Impact 360 Suite

Witness Systems announced Monday that it has acquired Amae Software, which will add customer feedback capabilities to Witness' contact center offering ...

Samsung Touts ‘Firsts’ in i600 Smartphone

Samsung Electronics and Microsoft will be offering the Samsung Ultra Messaging i600, a full-keyboard phone from Samsung's ultra slim product line powered by Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0, in Europe and Asia early next year ...

Hackers’ 2007 Targets: Video-Sharing, Mobile Devices

Downloading movies from the Internet may be easierthan ever to do, but it isn't necessarily advisable,according to McAfee, which sees trouble ahead with thistechnology and Internet security. ...

Google Answers Reaches End of the Line

How many dinosaurs could you build out of the carbon in one gallon of gas? ...

Microsoft’s Loss in South Korean Patent Case May Signal Trend

Microsoft lost a key ruling this week in the South Korean Supreme Court, which upheld a finding that the company infringed on Korean-English translation software patents held by a local inventor ... Introduces New Integration Tools on Monday introduced ApexConnect, a new family of integration tools that connect its on-demand customer relationship management solution with back-office systems ...

Spam Volumes Continue to Soar

Spam is reaching unprecedented levels according to a survey released earlier this month by Internet security vendor Postini. The firm reported a 59 percent increase in spam from September to November, when it processed nearly 70 billion e-mail connections. Unwanted e-mail has now reached a whopping 91 percent of all e-mail, it said ...

Contact Center Outsourcing: EMEA Bound

Countries in Central and Eastern Europe as well as the Middle East and Africa -- the EMEA market, in other words -- are poised to become the next hot spots of contact center outsourcing activities, according to projections recently published by Frost & Sullivan ...

Hackers Use New Tricks to Evade Detection

Hackers are incorporating virtual machine detection into their Trojans, worms and other malware in order to thwart antivirus vendors and virus researchers, according to a note published this week by the SANS Institute Internet Storm Center ...

A CRM Thanksgiving: Optimism and Gratitude

No longer having to hear that "CRM is dead" is one thing to be thankful for, says Brad Wilson, general manager ofMicrosoft Dynamics CRM ...

Second Life Target of Self-Replicating Worm

Talk about art imitating life. A self-replicating worm dubbed "Grey Goo" has caused the virtual community Second Life to shut down at least once, according to the site's owners, Linden Life. Within the Second Life virtual environment, Grey Goo's creators claimed to spin gold rings, and unwitting players interacted with them to spread the malware further...

Siebel to Pay $27.5 Million in Overtime Settlement

Siebel reportedly settled a class action lawsuit filed on behalf of its software engineers for US$27.5 million. The software maker was accused of violating overtime laws between 2000 and 2005 ...

Nintendo’s Wii: Can It Compete?

Nintendo's Wii is entering the game marketplace as the clear underdog, going up against No. 1 and No. 2 heavyweights, Sony's PlayStation 3 and Microsoft's Xbox. Unable to compete based on high-definition graphics or speed, Nintendo's Wii is being positioned as a more fun -- and at US$250, far cheaper -- alternative to the other two consoles ...

SaaS Vendors Focusing on Niche Categories

There is little dispute that Software as a Service model rapidly becoming a dominant delivery model. By 2009, more than 50 percent of new implementations of sales force automation applications will be SaaS deployments, according to a newGartner research note ...

Avaya Acquires Traverse, Unifies Product Strategy

Avaya on Thursday made two related announcements: the acquisition of enterprise mobility software maker Traverse Networks; and a new product strategy centered around unified communications ...

China Sets Wikipedia Free

Without fanfare -- in fact, there was no official announcement made at all -- China decided to stop blocking its citizens' access toWikipedia, the collaborative online encyclopedia ...

AOL Launches Instant Messenger Upgrade

AOL on Wednesday launched the latest version of its instant messaging (IM) service, AIM 6.0, which boasts offline messenging, an improved user interface, and enhanced support for blogging and other social networking activities ...

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