
Results 761-780 of 832 for Jack M. Germain.

Phileas Project Uses Bots To Ferret Out Spyware

A new search technology by Webroot Software takes a proactive approach to protecting computer users from spyware. It uses bots to find spyware buried deep within distribution centers. Armed with the results of this robotic reconnaissance, Webroot is able to build in better defenses and alerts, makin...


Computer Security Comes of Age

Computer security, until now, was a matter of bolting on third-party hardware products or adding on software to screen out unauthorized users. Not so any more. Keyboard-bound passwords, smart cards and dongles are becoming a thing of the past. These staples of the old school of computer security are...

Inventor Plans New Computing Platform for Students

Mark Menarik, CEO of Chicago-based TanCher, believes that a new PDA designed for students can foster a revolution in teaching with technology. His innovation could herald a breakthrough in mobile computing platforms if his plan succeeds. According to Menarik, the shapes of the BlackBerry and Treo ar...


File Sharers Can No Longer Hide

Uploaders to, Bit Torrent and other file-sharing networks beware: The commercial equivalent to Big Brother is watching you. BayTSP, a leading provider of online intellectual property monitoring and compliance systems, has began offering a service aimed at software, movie and music pirate...


New Mobile Platform Lets You Take It All with You

Imagine being able to have complete access to your hard drive and the corporate LAN in a device no bigger than a cell phone. No, Realm Systems isn't developing the next generation of the super small PDA. It just completed more than two years of research and development for a concept for the first ge...

IBM Announces ThinkPad Line with Biometric Security

In October, IBM released its first ThinkPad with a built-in thumb print reader that tied a scanner device to a security chip for added security. Company officials heralded the new product amid high hopes that this first of its kind biometrics security subsystem will set a new standard for computer m...


Enterprise Fertile Area for Voice Biometrics

Biometrics technology is nothing new. Biometrics security devices have been available in one form or another for several decades with little fanfare. However, the prospects for developing biometrics as a reliable security device for consumer computers were viewed by many industry watchers as a nice ...


War on Spyware Widening

The arrival of the New Year finds software security firms scampering to create new products or adapt existing packages to protect the enterprise workplace from spyware. Even Microsoft has joined the fray with its mid-December acquisition of Giant Software and that company's innovative AntiSpyware pa...


Try Using Alternative Browsers: Microsoft Dares You

As security holes continue to multiply in Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser, consumers and enterprise users alike are paying more attention to alternative browsers. After all, Microsoft hasn't upgraded its starship software package since before the release of Windows XP. Numerous alternative bro...


Biometric Cell Phones on Slow Track to US Market

Renewed interest in biometric security is heating up the cell phone industry in Asia. Industry watchers report that advanced security devices using biometrics are already popular in technology hungry countries in Asia and Europe. However, new biometric products already available to businesses and co...

Enterprise New Marketplace for Anti-Spyware Protection

As attention focuses on the increasing spyware threats to enterprise networks, vendors are beginning to view the enterprise landscape as fertile ground for anti-spyware protection. Webroot Software, a developer of Internet privacy and protection software, recently completed the first audit of spywar...

New Roadblock Fights Spam

A new generation of anti-spam artillery is helping Internet Service Providers fight more successful battles in the war against spammers. IronPort Systems is arming some of the largest ISPs with a new type of Reputation Filter powered by the SenderBase E-mail Traffic Monitoring Network. This filterin...


Moral Dilemma: Hackers for Hire

For years there existed a fuzzy distinction between good and bad computer hackers. Black Hat hackers were known to crack into computer systems for the challenge and the bragging rights. These miscreants took great pleasure from wreaking havoc once they gained entry. White Hat hackers, on the other s...


Enterprise Spyware Threats Reach All-Time High

An industrywide survey shows that corporate networks are being bombarded with spyware infiltration in record numbers, but relatively few corporations are deploying adequate solutions to combat the threat. The survey, conducted by Equation Research for Internet security firm Webroot Software, canvass...


Biometric Cell Phones Coming – But US Will Be Last

Biometric technology has been around for more than a decade with little fanfare. However, interest is heating up for biometric security devices in communications. Iris scanners, voice recognition modules and fingerprint readers promise to raise the bar on locking down access to computers, networks, ...


Virus Outbreak Filters New Tool To Block Infections

Antivirus software is a required component for safe computing. Security experts warn that an unprotected computer straight out of the box and connected to the Internet will catch multiple virus infections in its first twenty minutes online. Antivirus software programs, however, are only reliable if ...


IBM Introducing Fingerprint Reader Into Laptop

Biometric security, at least in theory, has been around for a decade. But the use of biometrics for computer security and user authentication has failed to attract much practical interest to date because the clunky devices were costly, inconvenient and intrusive. All that could change this week when...

Biometrics: A Security Makeover

One year ago, the prospects for developing biometrics as a reliable security device for computers were viewed by many industry watchers as a nice idea with little applicable potential. After all, biometric security devices have been available in one form or another for 30 years. But the use of biome...


E-Mail and Instant Messaging Face Compliance Challenges

In the financial workplace, e-mail and instant messaging (IM) are becoming essential enterprise tools. Once the province of teens chatting with their friends, instant messaging is now relied on by brokerage firms and other financial companies to maintain contact with clients. An ever-increasing numb...


Beyond File Sharing: P2P Radio Arrives

The Recording Industry Association of America is continuing to wage its war against peer-to-peer file-sharing networks. On August 25, the RIAA filed new copyright infringement lawsuits against 744 individuals on a variety of peer-to-peer platforms, including eDonkey, Limewire, Grokster and Kazaa. Me...

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