
Results 741-760 of 828 for Jack M. Germain.

Evil Twins a Menace to Wireless Security

Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) connections to the Internet provide business and personal users with near limitless computing convenience. However, unprotected wireless connections can be more damaging to corporate network security and user privacy than always-on cable connections without firewalls. Securi...


Managing IM and E-Mail Threats in the Workplace

Security risks from instant messaging networks and spam-clogged e-mail inboxes are forcing corporations to finds ways to either limit employee access or clamp down with improved security. Financial firms have an added burden. They must treat instant messages the same as e-mail communication and ensu...

Network Security Evolving to Unified-Management Approach

Spyware and adware infections have become so widespread on enterprise networks that corporate IT departments are beginning to reinforce their network perimeters with a better mousetrap. This security strategy, known in IT circles as unified threat management, puts multiple layers of hardware and sof...


Free Wireless Software Provides Entry-Level Security

Mike Klein, CEO of network security firm Interlink Networks, knows a good marketing tactic when he sees one. When Zone Labs started giving away no-nonsense firewall protection as a free download, he was paying attention. "They did it well!" Klein told TechNewsWorld. "We based our free WiFi protectio...


First State of Spyware Report Shows Bad Guys Winning

Consumers and enterprise IT managers have to become more vigilant about spyware and adware infections to stay ahead of new threats. However, greater awareness of security issues since last year has tipped the scales slightly against intruders. That's a lesson to be learned from an analysis of data c...


Developers Seek Breakthrough for Fuel Cell-Powered Laptops

Fuel cell technology for big-ticket consumer items like automobiles is still many years away, based on numerous industry reports. However, the day when portable devices like laptop computers, PDAs and cell phones can run for extended time periods without refueling is indeed much closer. High-demand ...


Software Allows College Test Prep via Mobile Devices

Perhaps one of the most effective and efficient methods for getting into college is no further from students than the palms of their hands. Using PDAs and cell phones, students now can study for the PSAT, the SAT or the ACT wherever they are, whenever they want. Students don't have to leave behind h...


Internal Threats Still Major Network Concern

As wireless technology gains popularity, network security issues continue to multiply. However, wireless connectivity isn't the only major concern for IT managers; corporate workers pose heightened threats from within enterprise structures. One of the most productive -- and abused -- communication t...

Device Allows Internet Calls from Any Phone

Making telephone calls over the Internet is nothing new. Once the arena for hobbyists and techies, Internet telephony is now a proven technology. Internet phone calls are so reliable and popular that Ma Bell and her competitors use the digital superhighway to carry much of their own hard-wired long ...

Company’s Seal of Approval a Standard for Security Products

When it comes to keeping bad stuff from entering computers, hardware protection devices work better than software solutions. "The software side of things still needs a lot of work," NSS Testing Labs CTO Bob Walder told TechNewsWorld. That is part of the findings from a rigorous battery of tests done...


Permission-Based Filtering Puts Kibosh on Spam

The problem with using most spam-blocking programs is they require constant fixing. Creating rules for filtering can be frustrating and annoying, and even downright unreliable. Even when users are diligent about applying rules, the filtering and blocking processes do not always function as promised....


Skybox Security Introduces Worm Prediction Software

When Gidi Cohen started Skybox Security three years ago, he made a commitment to manage security risk more efficiently than other firms were providing for the enterprise community. "The IT community faces a huge problem in meeting government regulations," Skybox Security CEO Cohen told TechNewsWorld...


Enterprise-Strength Anti-Spyware for Consumers

Las Vegas based FBM Software has announced on March 14 the release of ZeroSpyware 2005, designed to target consumers and small businesses with what company officials say is the most comprehensive and easy-to-use anti-spyware software available. Among the highlights of the software is a service to pr...


Network Security Now Comes with Guarantees, Options

The way Finjan Software founder and CEO Shlomo Touboul sees it, the end justifies the means. Virus and spyware writers have become so sophisticated in their scams and attack strategies that it is time to up the ante in protection services. Security risks have gotten so prevalent in the last two year...


Sharp Notebook Plays 2-D DVDs in 3-D

Computer video professionals might find it hard to turn away from the latest innovation in laptop technology. The Sharp Actius AL3D notebook announced today bundles a second generation 3-D LCD notebook with a software package that converts any DVD from 2-D to 3-D format in real time, allowing users ...


Spycatcher Deadly to Spyware – But Watch Out

The recent release of Tenebril's SpyCatcher 3.5 packs several high-powered features. Its sophisticated detection engine requires less memory to scan a computer and its components, resulting in scans up to 300 percent faster than earlier versions and most competitive products. SpyCatcher brings more ...


Phileas Project Uses Bots To Ferret Out Spyware

A new search technology by Webroot Software takes a proactive approach to protecting computer users from spyware. It uses bots to find spyware buried deep within distribution centers. Armed with the results of this robotic reconnaissance, Webroot is able to build in better defenses and alerts, makin...


Computer Security Comes of Age

Computer security, until now, was a matter of bolting on third-party hardware products or adding on software to screen out unauthorized users. Not so any more. Keyboard-bound passwords, smart cards and dongles are becoming a thing of the past. These staples of the old school of computer security are...

Inventor Plans New Computing Platform for Students

Mark Menarik, CEO of Chicago-based TanCher, believes that a new PDA designed for students can foster a revolution in teaching with technology. His innovation could herald a breakthrough in mobile computing platforms if his plan succeeds. According to Menarik, the shapes of the BlackBerry and Treo ar...


File Sharers Can No Longer Hide

Uploaders to, Bit Torrent and other file-sharing networks beware: The commercial equivalent to Big Brother is watching you. BayTSP, a leading provider of online intellectual property monitoring and compliance systems, has began offering a service aimed at software, movie and music pirate...

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