
Results 681-700 of 828 for Jack M. Germain.

New Solo Phone Disconnects Skype From Computer

Skype hardware maker Ipevo announced on Tuesday the U.S. launch of the Solo, a desktop Skype phone that makes phone calls over the Internet without being tethered to a computer. Ipevo officials hope the stand-alone device will catch the fancy of users who shy away from computers. The always-on phone...

Web 2.0 Is Security Soft Spot for Enterprises, Report Says

While many sectors of the business community are accepting Web 2.0 usage with open arms, enterprise IT departments are not prepared to deal with the consequences posed by related threats, according to recent research. IT professionals also largely lack risk awareness, user training and consistent po...

Media Player Exploits: New Vectors, New Threats

Two separate exploits involving the Apple QuickTime and the Microsoft Windows Media players could continue to plague computer users regardless of which Web browser is installed as the default on a computer system. So far, the only browser developer to announce a patch for this vulnerability is Mozil...


FireEye CEO Ashar Aziz: Battling the Zombie Hordes

Computer security company FireEye announced on Monday a new strategy for fighting the worsening threat to consumers and businesses posed by botnets. The company announced its new Botwall appliance, linked to a worldwide intelligence network coupled to local botnet analysis designed to thwart attacks...

Lenovo Thinks Small With New Energy Efficient Desktop Line

Lenovo introduced on Wednesday its newest energy-efficient desktop line with the ThinkCentre A61e, an ultra small form factor PC that combines a small footprint the size of a telephone book with 45-watt AMD Athlon 64 X2 and Sempron energy efficient processors. The ThinkCentre A61e takes up 25 percen...

The State of the Desktop

The laptop computer has been gaining on traditional desktop PCs for some time. Replacing one's desktop completely with a portable computer that has enough power to handle any common task is now a feasible option for consumers, and more are heading that direction. Laptops are siphoning off sales of d...

The Woes of WiFi, Part 2: Digital Defense

WiFi has became pervasive. Not just laptops, but an arsenal of palmed-sized devices including smartphones, PDAs and mobile media players, now connect to the Internet using Wireless Fidelity technology. However, many users are clueless about security and connect to password-protected accounts and fin...


Galdos CEO Ron Lake: Mapping the Future of the Browser

The face of the Internet is rapidly changing. For instance, Web maps are no longer about finding your house online. A few years ago, map-making power remained in the hands of specialists. Today, map-making power is within everyone's grasp. In the past two years, Web giants like Google, Microsoft and...

The Woes of WiFi, Part 1: Insecure by Default

WiFi is not just for laptops anymore. All sorts of devices now connect to the Internet via Wireless Fidelity technology. Smartphones -- think Apple's iPhone, among others -- mobile media players and even gaming machines often come with WiFi features to enhance usability. At the same time, more and m...

Committee Grills LimeWire CEO Over P2P Security

A Congressional hearing on Tuesday investigating inadvertent file sharing over peer-to-peer networks unexpectedly put a spotlight on LimeWire Chairman Mark Gorton over the government and personal information that can be acquired over P2P networks without users' knowledge. Gorton's company makes the ...

Meet the New Bad Guys: Hired Guns, Zero-Minutes and Malware 2.0

Other than perhaps the medical and legal industries, no field relies on jargon more than computer technology. Take, for instance, the use of words borrowed from other lexicons -- terms such as "virus, "Trojan," "intrusion prevention system," "spyware," and "attack vector." You might well hear these...

Spying in the Workplace: Big Money?

An offer made earlier this month to pay whistle blowers $1 million for reporting companies using unlicensed software has met little or no public outcry, unlike lawsuits initiated by the music industry against illegal music downloaders. The Business Software Alliance, a global organization representi...

Bringing Doctors and Lawyers Into the 21st Century

Legal and medical professionals are often criticized for being way behind the times in terms of the technologies they use in their offices. It seems as though any doctor's or lawyer's office you enter has reams of papers and mountains of file cabinets taking up space just waiting to be lost, stolen ...

New Trend Micro App Sounds Alarm on Shady Web Sites

Security firm Trend Micro has released TrendProtect, a free browser plug-in that alerts computer users to unsafe Web sites that contain unwanted content and hidden threats. The free download is designed to help consumers and business Web surfers avoid an alarming number of Web sites infected with ma...

Boutique Malware: Custom-Made for the Executive Suite

A sophisticated group of spammers has been targeting since late May high-salaried workers at selective corporations in a spam attack using e-mail disguised as messages from the Better Business Bureau, the Internal Revenue Service and the Federal Trade Commission. A fourth variation of the spam attac...

The Shrouded Sharing Shenanigans of P2P Programs

People who use popular file-sharing software at home, in school and in the workplace to download music and videos are likely to expose their own personal and corporate data stored on their computers' hard drives. The ability of peer-to-peer software to hunt for and grab personal and corporate inform...


SpaceTime Browser Adds New Dimension to Search

An innovative three-dimensional search program puts a unique spin on Internet searching. All results are displayed in a 3-D space that users can navigate and manipulate. SpaceTime presents all search results, shopping windows and browsing activity in a continuous 3-D stack that merges results to sav...

Big Pirate on Campus

A Congressional committee last month gave universities with high volumes of student piracy violations 30 days to return a survey on Internet piracy and network practices. The committee is scheduled to resume its meetings Tuesday in Washington. The letter hints that Congress is stepping up its crackd...

House Bill: Spyware Solution or Limp Legislation?

Antispyware legislation awaiting Senate action offers little promise of meaningful prosecution against violators, said Ron O'Brien, a senior security analyst with antispyware firm Sophos. The U.S. House of Representatives has passed an antispyware bill that would impose specific penalties for scamme...

The Net Generation Goes to College

Turn on your monitor and boot up your computer, because class is in session. Many college students now raised on the Internet and mobile devices will not be limited to sitting in traditional "brick-and-mortar" classrooms as schools look to the latest offerings in virtual technology and Internet broa...

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