
Results 221-240 of 828 for Jack M. Germain.

IT Heads Wary Big Tech Will Taint Trust in Open Source: Report

A global study of IT business leaders praised the growing merits of open-source software amid concerns that big tech supporters could undermine its open qualities and collaboration. Perhaps one of the main takeaways is the optimism most IT execs feel about the future of open source. But that praise ...

Reputation Management: Duking It Out With Doxing

Cancel culture and politics aside, one of the more brutal threats lurking in the shadows of the internet is the slander industry. All too often, unsuspecting people become victims of websites that promote slanderous, often unverified information about individuals. This false and vilifying informatio...


Apply Meaningful Metrics to Makeover Your Product Code

Effective metrics provide a point of comparison for the business and become behavior-changing in how decisions are made, according to Aurimas Adomavicius, president of Devbridge, a global digital products consultancy. TechNewsWorld spoke with Adomavicius to pursue the concept of how software develop...

Microsoft Lifts the Blinds on Windows 11

Microsoft has unveiled Windows 11 as a redesigned computing platform that feels familiar but has numerous changed components. It offers new ways for users to create, learn, play, and connect with others globally. Feeling familiar may take some adjusting, however. Windows 11 is built around a simplif...

The Linux Foundation Tackles Safe Open Standards for AI Voice Assistants

Organizations are beginning to develop, design, and manage their own voice assistant systems that are independent of today's general-purpose voice platforms. The desire to manage the entirety of the user experience is driving this transition. The Open Voice Network is dedicated to supporting this tr...


Sellers: Beware of Amazon’s Marketing Manners

"What's the real cost of getting everything delivered to your door? Small businesses and third-party sellers are getting killed," said Jason Boyce, CEO and founder of Avenue7Media." As consumers in a free country, we have to ask ourselves whether one company with the power of Amazon is good for Amer...

Social Media Ads, Chat Apps Pegged to Power Summer Sales

Consumers will spend more money shopping online this summer in response to ads they see on social media if deals are offered by vendors. Shoppers also are more receptive to chat commerce, a potential new trend.

Consumers, Marketers, All Ears on Podcast Advertising

The most effective podcast advertising is delivered by the host. While this makes many marketers uneasy, the risk can pay off because the targets will listen and remember the message.


MakuluLinux Core Now Built on Forked Gnome

MakuluLinux is an ever-changing family of Linux desktops built on its own base around several heavily modified desktop environments. Core, the latest release, is an evolutionary redesign well worth trying. Most distribution maintainers focus on annual or semi-annual OS updates. MakuluLinux creator J...

New AI Tools Help Level the Playing Field for Retailers

The list is almost endless for the use of AI in retail. It can be anywhere, from classification issues like recommendations to search and merchandising personalization.

What Post-Pandemic Recovery Means to Sales Pros

The economic implications of Covid-19 have been devastating for many sectors and individuals. As we head into the summer of 2021 anticipating that most places in the U.S. will be fully open for business, many industries are looking at what the post-Covid recovery will mean for them. For sales profes...


The Cybersecurity Outlook for 2021 and Beyond

Cyberattacks in the first half of 2021 have escalated globally to affect virtually every industry. Earlier this year TechNewsWorld spoke with cybersecurity experts about the expanding threat landscape, imminent threats, and what can be done to counter the ongoing offensives against the IT systems of...

Stale Open Source Code Rampant in Commercial Software: Report

Open source software is now the foundation for the vast majority of applications across all industries, however many of those industries are struggling to manage open source risk. Organizations, regardless of industry, must do a better job maintaining open source components given their critical natu...

App Designing Factors That Make or Break the Mobile Commerce Experience

Most businesses today that want an app have an app. But having one is not the entire process. The app maker and the business behind the mobile application still need to get it to actually work effectively. Because more people are using apps, many businesses are focusing on the bells and whistles to ...

Amazon Cuts Deal to Buy MGM for $8.45B

A definitive merger agreement has been announced for Amazon to acquire MGM for $8.45 billion. MGM will bring to Amazon's table more than 4,000 movies and 17,000 TV shows. All totaled, MGM productions over the years won more than 180 Oscars and 100 Emmy awards. MGM will continue to operate as a label...

New Report Profiles Ransomware Cybergangs

That old adage about crime never pays could not be more false, at least when it comes to modern-day cybercriminals. For those bad actors using ransomware as their weapon, crime is paying more than ever. A new report by the eSentire security research team found that six ransomware gangs claimed at le...


Garuda Desktops Put a New Spin on Linux Looks

The Linux operating system is many things to many users. It is not a one-size-must-fit-all computing platform like Microsoft and Apple provide. A prime example of Linux's wide range of functionalities is easily found in Garuda Linux. Not typically available in mainstream distributions, its large ass...

Dissecting the Colonial Pipeline Incident

IT experts at the hacked Colonial Pipeline did a good job in mitigating the May 7 cyberattack and successfully stopped it when discovered by shutting down the network. But the attack was mostly invisible in the weeks-long initial stages, according to a briefing NTT Security executives conducted Tues...

Research Exposes 10 Common Threats Vexing Cloud Customers

New research by threat detection and response firm Vectra AI shows that the most common threats to corporate networks remain consistent throughout all companies -- regardless of their size. Researchers calculated the relative frequency of threat detections that were triggered during a three-month sp...

Mobile Devices Under Siege by Cyberattackers

Cybercriminals are deliberately targeting phones, tablets, and Chromebooks to increase their odds of finding a vulnerable entry point. The Financial Services Threat Report from Lookout disclosed that 20 percent of mobile banking customers had a trojanized app on their devices when trying to sign int...

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