
The next major step for Linux might be to penetrate higher-security computing environments, primarily in government and financial services, thanks to a certification achieved by an open-source configuration from SuSE and IBM. Calling it "the first ever security certification of Linux," Big Blue and ...


Microsoft’s Next Big Move: Longhorn Exposed

Microsoft's long-anticipated operating system -- code-named Longhorn -- has been hard to lasso. The company has been carefully controlling disclosures about the new OS, which is slated to be released in 2005. Even developers are keeping mum, for the most part. Extreme Logic's Paul Hernacki, like oth...


Lexar Launches 4-GB CompactFlash Card

Lexar Media is shipping the world's first 4-GB CompactFlash memory card. Specifically designed for professional photographers shooting high-resolution images -- and priced at an industry high of $1,499 -- the card can store about 600 images captured in raw mode using a 6-megapixel camera. Amateur ph...

A denial-of-service attack that took down Microsoft's Web site two days after the U.S. Department of Homeland Security warned of a widespread Windows vulnerability is being investigated by the Redmond, Washington-based software company and law enforcement officials. Microsoft has some clues as to th...

An e-mail worm posing as a system administrator message was rapidly spreading over the Internet as workers returned to the office Monday and unwittingly contributed to its proliferation by opening attachments. The worm, dubbed "MiMail," indicates to receivers that their e-mail account will soon expi...


A Brilliant Future for the Smart Home

Imagine a completely networked home -- a smart home, if you will -- in which every appliance has its own Internet address and can be remotely managed from anywhere on the Internet with a simple Web browser. A few years ago, only small startups and leading-edge visionaries were promoting the idea of ...

Security will move farther from the fallible hands of users and closer to the heart of the computer with a deal announced by Intel and Wave Systems. The deal will help bridge the gap between hardware and software protection. Chip giant Intel will use software from Lee, Massachusetts-based Wave Syste...

Users of Sun Microsystems' hardware will now have another open-source software option thanks to an alliance between Sun and SuSE. Sun will sell and support SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 on Sun's x86 systems. According to the deal, SuSE will become a Java 2 Standard Edition licensee and will distrib...

After receiving nearly 200 subpoenas to turn over information about users of its Internet service, communications giant SBC has filed suit against the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), calling the subpoenas a misapplication of copyright law. In a U.S. District Court complaint, filed ...


Internet Protocol for the Future: IPv6 Poised for Adoption

Version six of Internet Protocol -- or IPv6 -- was approved as a standard many years ago, but the high cost of rolling it out has been too severe for the slow economic recovery. After all, implementing the required networking technologies associated with rolling out the protocol en masse requires re...

The latest update to Sun Microsystems' Solaris operating system includes the option of using the open-source Gnome desktop interface, but the network computing giant is still sending mixed signals on open source and Linux, according to industry analysts. After all, the default user interface will st...

IBM has announced that Japan's largest national research agency, the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), has commissioned the company to build what will be the world's most powerful Linux supercomputer. The system will comprise a cluster of 1,058 IBM eServer 325 ...


Beyond the Fad: Macromedia’s Flash Matures

Flash animation -- once widely derided as a bells-and-whistles annoyance -- is quickly becoming ubiquitous, thanks to the prevalence of broadband connections and a freely distributed plug-in for nearly every major computing platform on the market. In fact, Flash technology, developed by Macromedia, ...

The perceived impact of the Linux licensing claims from Unix software maker SCO on enterprise use of the open-source OS, much like the recommended response to SCO, is split, according to industry analysts. The legal posturing in the dispute, which began when SCO filed suit in March against IBM, clai...


RFID Emerges to Threaten the Bar Code

In the film "The Recruit," Colin Farrell portrays a CIA agent who escapes a double agent by removing a radio frequency identification (RFID) tag placed on him and surreptitiously placing it on the collar of a dog he stops to pet on the street. Alhough most of its uses are not as dramatic as those sh...

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