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Microsoft today handed aspiring bloggers a simple, free tool to get started, releasing a public beta version of MSN Spaces. The tool is integrated into Microsoft's other Internet services, which the company has also upgraded. The latest version of its instant messaging service, MSN Messenger 7.0, is...
Universities have begun thwarting the operation of software that promises to accelerate Internet performance and protect its users from malware infections because they feel the program is actually spyware. A number of schools, including Columbia University, Cornell, Indiana State and Penn State, hav...
Hewlett-Packard has worked out the bugs in software it says will slow down the spread of worms and viruses within servers. Virus Throttler -- which HP had said it was shelving back in August because it was having trouble integrating it with Microsoft Windows server software -- is now back, HP CTO To...
The ESPN sports television network is teaming up with Sprint to create its own brand of mobile phone service. The new service, to be called ESPN Mobile, is expected to launch in the second half of next year. Sprint, the country's third-largest wireless carrier, will allow ESPN to use space on its ne...
The group Reporters Without Borders is blasting search engine leader Google for its supposed complicity in government censorship, requesting that the popular Web tool provider pull its news service that excludes content not approved by the Chinese government. The group, which has been critical of co...
"'Regardless of what people found in the early days of lawsuits, says Eric Garland, head of research firm BigChampagne LLC, which tracks Internet activity, 'the consensus now is that file sharing is hitting all-time highs.'" That's Garland quoted in Canada's MacLeans, and he's referring to the fact ...
The battle between Blu-ray and HD DVD to define the next generation DVD format shows no signs of cooling off. While electronics and computer companies such as Sony, Dell and HP back the Blu-ray specification, proponents of the rival high-definition HD DVD format, including NEC and Toshiba, can claim...
Lycos Europe yesterday announced that it has created a downloadable screensaver aimed at putting spammers out of business. Available for both Mac and Windows, "Make Love, Not Spam" works by flooding a spammer's Web site with requests for data. The theory is that a very large number of requests sent ...
Because cellular services are one of the fastest growing segments in the telecommunications market, new models are emerging that focus on how cellular services are delivered. The days when carriers installed and controlled their own equipment are giving way to a new era in which wireless network ser...
In an attempt to cut down on the use of counterfeit software use, Microsoft is allowing users of non-licensed copies of Windows XP in the United Kingdom to trade them in for legitimate versions of the operating system. The program, Windows XP Counterfeit Project, has some strings attached. To be eli...
Although it is poised to bring some competition to the mobile gaming world with the PlayStation Portable (PSP), Sony seems more intensely focused on its PlayStation console and the silicon for the next-generation PlayStation3. With IBM and Toshiba, Sony announced a new electronics chip codenamed "Ce...
The proliferation of video servers was amazing at the EHX show, as was the cost of some of these devices. The norm seemed to be about what PCs sold for in the early 1980s -- $2,000 and up -- and you certainly could see strong margins even if you couldn't see strong volumes at these prices. I rea...
Wireless carriers are finding online gaming via use of cell phones to be the latest cash cow to boost revenues. "Carriers have been surprised that wireless gaming is even more lucrative than ringtones," Ken Hyers, a senior analyst with market research firm In-Stat/MDR, told TechNewsWorld. Online gam...
For years there existed a fuzzy distinction between good and bad computer hackers. Black Hat hackers were known to crack into computer systems for the challenge and the bragging rights. These miscreants took great pleasure from wreaking havoc once they gained entry. White Hat hackers, on the other s...
As a guest of AMD, I went to Indianapolis to watch the top Ferrari team once again whomp the other nine teams in what remains one of the most expensive sports in the world. This racing team has been winning for so long and is so dominant in this sport that I often wonder why anyone watches these rac...