

Try Using Alternative Browsers: Microsoft Dares You

As security holes continue to multiply in Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser, consumers and enterprise users alike are paying more attention to alternative browsers. After all, Microsoft hasn't upgraded its starship software package since before the release of Windows XP. Numerous alternative bro...


Trekking Seeks Better Place for All

Last weekend, hundreds of die-hard fans gathered at the Star Trek convention in Las Vegas to see the stars and mingle with other sci-fi-minded folks. Costumes and attitudes aptly demonstrated their commitment to the Star Trek philosophy, which has many similarities to American ideals. When asked to ...

Two new variants of the Cabir mobile phone virus have been discovered, indicating that the source code for the virus is available in the malware underground. Even more troubling, the new variants are smarter than the old. The attackers appear to be following the same path as Internet worm writers, i...

Security firm Sophos once again has named the U.S. as the biggest spam-producing nation in the world in a recent report. Sophos also highlighted the growing problem of compromised computers, or "zombies," as conduits for the unwanted e-mail. Sophos put the U.S. atop the latest "Dirty Dozen" list, cr...

Microsoft and its customers got no holiday break from security concerns as Symantec said it had confirmed three more yet-to-be-patched vulnerabilities in Windows, some of which can be used to launch denial-of-service attacks. Symantec said all three of the flaws are considered serious, and Denmark-b...

A Chinese group announced it began operating what it says is the world's biggest next-generation Internet network over the weekend, boosting data transmission speeds and bringing more Internet protocol (IP) address possibilities to a region sorely lacking them. The move to Internet protocol version ...

A group dedicated to preserving civil liberties on the Internet announced this week that it's throwing its weight behind the development of a technology to foster anonymity in cyberspace. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is sponsoring the Tor Project, which has created an open-source applica...

It is almost the New Year, and I'm sure many of us will be glad to say goodbye to 2004. It is traditional to make New Year's resolutions, and I'd like to suggest some for the companies that make up the high technology segment. It's always interesting to have a few bad years, because you something t...


Ken Beer of Tumbleweed on E-Mail Authentication

Spam and its evil offshoot, phishing, have become growing problems on the Internet. Not only has spam become a nuisance with its frequently offensive subject matter, but it is consuming increasing amounts of bandwidth. For an explanation of the issues surrounding e-mail authentication, TechNewsWorld...


Biometric Cell Phones on Slow Track to US Market

Renewed interest in biometric security is heating up the cell phone industry in Asia. Industry watchers report that advanced security devices using biometrics are already popular in technology hungry countries in Asia and Europe. However, new biometric products already available to businesses and co...


The Bogus Protests of Biotechnology

It's not clear why the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) chose San Francisco, home of "Protesters R Us" and "Rent-a-Mob," for its annual convention this week. But one thing is for sure, the byproduct has been a measure of enlightenment, particularly concerning the protesters. These are 1960s...

Google helped shut down a spreading computer worm this week by denying the malicious software's use of its search engine, but the Santy.A worm still marks a troubling trend toward attack via Web sites and search technology, security experts warned. Santy.A started spreading Tuesday and attempted to ...

Software giant Microsoft announced an extension of its technology and cross-licensing deal with access infrastructure solutions specialist Citrix, in a show of support for both the smaller software company and Windows Terminal Server. The five-year agreement, which was expected in the industry given...

In a bid to display its suitability for consumer users, antivirus giant Trend Micro has announced it will provide antivirus scanning and cleaning protection for Microsoft's MSN Hotmail Internet e-mail customers, who number nearly 190 million. Such services had been provided by McAfee. Trend Micro, b...

In a battle to establish a de facto standard, is it better to deliver technology first or to have the greater number of supporters? The emergence of ultrawideband (UWB) products, which allow a wide variety of PC and consumer electronics devices to exchange information over high-speed wireless networ...

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