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Intrusion detection and prevention systems provider Internet Security Systems (ISS) issued a "protection advisory" targeting older versions of McAfee's anti-virus software engine last Thursday. Attackers are able to trigger a stack overflow within the process importing the McAfee AntiVirus Library,...
In the years I spent running one of IBM's internal audit teams, I developed a methodology for testing organizations to see if they were likely to have problems. At every executive level, you have to be able to trust the people doing the job, but you also need to make sure there are controls so that...
Las Vegas based FBM Software has announced on March 14 the release of ZeroSpyware 2005, designed to target consumers and small businesses with what company officials say is the most comprehensive and easy-to-use anti-spyware software available. Among the highlights of the software is a service to pr...
Opera Software this week released a beta version of the next Opera browser for the desktop. The new version includes scalable vector graphics (SVG), which automatically scales any Web page to fit a user's screen. "We believe SVG will enter mainstream Web design in the future and we are very pleased ...
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), once nicknamed "Terminator" for his 2003 comment that the recording industry should be allowed to remotely destroy the computers of file-sharers, was named today to head a new Senate subcommittee on intellectual property. While Hatch backed down slightly from that comment ...
Microsoft has announced a delay in the introduction of its Windows XP Starter Edition -- a stripped-down, lower-cost version aimed at developing nations -- in India, but the company has already pushed the product into other Asian countries in what analysts described as a growing battle for emerging ...
Earlier this month, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced his intentions to support a bill outlawing the sale of junk food in schools. Science shows the governor is right to worry about an obesity crisis, but banning candy is schools is like putting a Band-Aid on a third-degree burn. ...
When Dell Computer announced last month that it would begin shipping notebook computers incorporating a chip to make the units more secure, it sent analysts scurrying to their calculators. That's because Dell's inclusion of "trusted computing" hardware into its machines would be giving the technolog...
RIM announced today that it has settled a years-long patent fight by agreeing to pay $450 million to NTP, a U.S. patent-holding company. In exchange, RIM will be allowed to continue operating its BlackBerry wireless business. NTP sued RIM, a Canadian company, for infringing on 16 patents for radio f...
It has become as common for many folks as putting on their socks and shoes: Almost instinctively, they put their cell phones into their pockets, and then later in the day hold them close to their ears to talk with friends, family or co-workers. Cell phone users, who number 150 million in the United ...
After more than doubling last year, portable digital music player sales are set for 57 percent growth in 2005, according to results of a global survey released today. Market research group iSuppli said shipments of MP3 music players rose by 116 percent in 2004 and will expand to 132 million units in...
Computer users who suffer from hand tremors often find it difficult to negotiate a computer because shaking disturbs the smooth flow of the mouse. IBM today announced that its researchers had developed an Assistive Mouse Adapter that compensates for the involuntary motion and allows normal mouse use...
With a landmark Supreme Court hearing on online file sharing slated for March 29, Hollywood is stepping up its multimillion-dollar, international PR blitz to keep peer-to-peer networks in the public eye and to characterize men, women and children who share music and other files online as hardened cr...
America Online's Instant Messenger (AIM) is getting lots of press lately, but not for the reasons the Internet service provider had hoped when it announced its partnership with popular Web sites late last month. AOL's updated privacy policy is under public scrutiny. The online giant updated its Term...
I mentioned last week that I was expecting the other shoe to drop this week at the Game Developers Conference 2005. That shoe was the next generation of the Xbox game machine, and it dropped like an atomic bomb. The collateral damage from the resulting explosion could be extensive. It may even ta...