
A new controversy involving the old issue of search engine spamming -- where keywords or marketing information that may not actually be relevant to a site's offering are used to gain higher rankings in search results -- has again demonstrated the fine line site operators walk in generating traffic a...

Transmeta makes for an interesting Silicon Valley case study. The net of its announcement last week is that it will continue to be with us indefinably. This company has an amazing history, and its story demonstrates the opportunities and mistakes that can surround a high-profile startup in Silicon V...


Permission-Based Filtering Puts Kibosh on Spam

The problem with using most spam-blocking programs is they require constant fixing. Creating rules for filtering can be frustrating and annoying, and even downright unreliable. Even when users are diligent about applying rules, the filtering and blocking processes do not always function as promised....

Mobile operators that are part of the GSM Association (GSMA), which serves more than a billion mobile users, are crying foul over the fee structure for standard digital rights management (DRM) protection proposed for the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) by MPEG LA, warning the license scheme is unworkable...

Sony Pictures Digital Entertainment is vying to become the iTunes of the downloadable movie industry. So said Michael Arrieta, senior vice president of Sony Pictures, at the Digital Hollywood conference earlier this week. "We want to set business models, pricing models, distribution models like [App...

In a competitive move that extends beyond aggregating general-audience blogs and RSS news feeds, Bloglines this week added package tracking to its free Web-based services. Bloglines users can now track the shipping progress of package deliveries from FedEx, UPS, and the United States Postal Service ...


Free Broadband? Metro Mistake

Following a trend burning across the nation, San Francisco's Public Utility Commission (PUC) recently approved US$300,000 for a feasibility study on whether the city should add broadband to its utility services. This move toward government-run communications systems is dangerous for a number of reas...

A U.S. State Department proposal to include wireless data chips in U.S. passports has been met with a wave of criticism and concern from privacy activists and security experts who fail to see any value in the wireless technology for passports. The chips could only serve to compromise personal data a...

Symantec today made public security vulnerabilities in the 2004 and 2005 versions of its Symantec Norton AntiVirus suite of products. The company said patches have already been released. Both vulnerabilities allowed denial of service (DoS) attacks through the SmartScan feature in which a real-time s...

Microsoft yesterday released its Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1, providing system customers with security enhancements as well as reliability and performance improvements. Analysts said service pack releases are significant events for consumers under typical circumstances, but this Microsoft rel...

Intel's newest platform offering, code-named "Truland," is an evolutionary step in the established path toward dual-core processors and 64-bit architecture. Truland, which comprises five different 64-bit Intel Xeon processors MP (multiprocessor) and the Intel E8500 chipset -- codenamed Twin Castle -...

Earlier this year, the new Napster was given a bit of a fright when reports began circulating that its recently introduced subscription service had been "hacked." Those reports stung Napster in two ways. They suggested that the service, which in its original incarnation was shut down by the music in...

A new lithium-ion battery from Toshiba may hold promise for the future of electric vehicles. The electronics giant yesterday unveiled a battery that takes only a minute to recharge to 80 percent of its full strength, making it by far the fastest recharging lithium-ion battery available.

Network Appliance's announcement of its latest V-Series storage and management systems highlight the further spread of a trend that nearly all major hardware and software vendors tout in some form or another: virtualization. Network Appliance said its NetApp V-series family of data storage and manag...

Toshiba and Elpida Memory both announced today high-performance DRAM (dynamic random access memory) chips they claim achieve the fastest data transfer rate yet attained by any memory device. The second generation 512-megabit XDR (extreme data rate) DRAMs each have a peak operating speed of 3.2 Ghz, ...

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