
This is becoming an interesting summer. As we cook under the effects of "mythical" global warming, tech vendors have been busy getting ready for the second half of the year. I've had a chance to review the multi-vendor FlexGo announcement and think there is a broader play here then we initially real...

Carmakers are rapidly incorporating wireless Bluetooth technology into their new vehicles, moving at such a pace that nearly a third of all new cars will feature the equipment within five years. That's a dramatic increase, up from 3 percent last year. "Automotive pricing, promotion, and product pos...

Sony BMG and Yahoo are teaming up to provide online music downloads in the popular, flexible MP3 format without the usual digital rights management (DRM) controls, but for about twice the price of a typical title download. The Yahoo Music release is limited to a single song from Jessica Simpson that...

Today's youth are at risk of going deaf relatively early in life because they are listening to MP3 players that are too loud, too often, according to a new report. A survey of 1,000 Britons between the ages of 16 and 34, conducted by Specsavers Hearcare and Deafness Research UK, found that 14 percen...

The United States' blogger population continues to explode, but who are the people behind the words? About 12 million American adults, or roughly 8 percent of adult Internet users blog, and 57 million American adults, or 39 percent of the online population, read blogs, according to surveys by the Pe...

As the country gears up for the November elections and online communities start to buzz, it's instructive to look back at the way image myths were created, even with the openness of the Internet. The Howard Dean campaign is one example. During the 2004 election, the Dean campaign was credited with ...

Google has launched a new service for the visually and learning impaired designed to make search easier by ranking search results according to how clean, or easy-to-read the Web pages are. Called Accessible Search, Google's latest tweak to its search engine comes out of Google Labs. According to its...

Intel is looking to bounce back from its disappointing second quarter earnings report by beating its charging rival Advanced Micro Devices to market with a four-core processor later this year. AMD was able to beat Intel to market with its dual-core Opteron chips for x86 servers last year, and while ...

Microsoft on Wednesday released a set of guiding principles it drafted for itself that will allow computer manufacturers using Vista and any other future Microsoft operating system to remove Microsoft's MSN Search, Internet Explorer and Media Player as defaults and put competitive alternatives in th...

As a groundswell of support in this country is building for the development of biofuels as an alternative energy source, Americans are measuring the strengths and weaknesses of every available option. Among these, of all the first-generation biofuels in the U.S., veggie oil is arguably the cleanest...

Fresh on the heels of rival Movielink's announcement of a licensing deal allowing DVDs to be burned from feature film Internet downloads, CinemaNow said its customers could immediately begin burning titles from a catalog of 100 movies with its own burning service. The beta service, "Burn to DVD," of...

Microsoft announced Tuesday that it has acquired Winternals Software and plans to appoint the company's co-founder a technical fellow. Privately held Winternals provides systems recovery and data protection solutions to Windows-based enterprises and offers free software tools called Sysinternals. Th...

A friend of mine once told me he mourned the fading fortunes of point-and-shoot film cameras. It was a momentary lamentation induced by his wife's struggles with her new digital camera. Film is simple, he reasoned. You shoot your pictures. You take your film to the drugstore. You get your prints. Wi...

Intel officially introduced its Itanium 2 Processor 9000 "Montecito" family of high performance computing server processors at an event in Santa Clara, Calif., this week, claiming greater cost and energy efficiency compared to earlier chips. Intel said the new Itanium 2 chips, to be built into syste...

Walt Disney is adding steam to Sony's Blu-ray Disc push with its plan to release nine films in that format. Beginning Sept. 19, Buena Vista Home Entertainment will start releasing select titles, including Walt Disney Pictures' "Dinosaur" and "Eight Below," on Blu-ray. Those two movies will feature e...

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