
Comedy Central's Emmy award-winning cartoon series "South Park" is getting its first-ever high-definition episode, "Good Times With Weapons," and Microsoft's Xbox Live service will distribute it free for two weeks. "South Park" is the raunchy and irreverent comedy about the misadventures of four fou...


Mixcraft: Music Making Made Easy

Of the three pillars of digital lifestyle applications -- video, photos and music -- music remains a bit of a mystery to many users. That's ironic because sharing digital music files was one of the first applications byte-stylers flocked to. However, while many users have graduated from merely shari...

The Patent and Trademark Office has launched a pilot project designed to facilitate the patent approval process. While the efficiency benefit of this is obvious -- the PTO's examiners are overburdened and the process can take many years -- critics are concerned that the system could lead to manipula...

For years, police departments have given video surveillance tapes to local television news channels in their efforts to attract attention and fight crime. These days, a handful of police departments are turning to YouTube. One of the most sensational success stories came after Detective Sergeant Jor...

More than 40 percent of U.S. households with televisions now also have video game consoles, according to a new report released Monday by Nielsen Wireless and Interactive Services. By the fourth quarter of 2006, 41.1 percent of all TV households -- representing 45.7 million homes -- had video game co...

Ten percent of Caucasian American men but less than one percent of women are estimated to have some form of colorblindness. Colorblind people represent a significant but often neglected talent pool and consumer segment. Identifying opportunities to make products usable by as many people as possible,...

Last year, when Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales announced plans to launch a new search engine in the first half of 2007, everyday users of this now ubiquitous tool wondered what Wales could do that Google couldn't. However, the search engine community knew better. Google may be an official verb in the...

Cisco Systems is now offering customers an upgraded version of its software and network equipment that links desktop computers to cell phones and other mobile devices. The new wireless client software extends desk phone functions to a variety of smartphones and handheld devices, and supports BlackBe...

At the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, Microsoft on Monday announced the upcoming launch of a 512 MB memory unit for the Xbox 360 video game console. The company also said it will bump up the "official size limit" of games presented on its Xbox Live Arcade game site from 50 MB to 150 MB...

There are two guilty pleasures I've developed of late. One is reading "Mini-Microsoft," which is an unauthorized blog by a Microsoft employee that probably does more to provide a glimpse inside the company and humanize it than anything the firm is officially doing. The other is "The Secret Diary of...

It's open season on Windows Vista for hackers, crackers and virus and malware propagators. As any IT manager will recall, malware incursions and zero-day exploits of Windows, Internet Explorer and Office applications were all too common in 2006. Therefore, security providers and IT staff across orga...

The British Broadcasting Corporation and YouTube announced Friday the addition of three BBC-centric channels to the mainly user-generated content video site. The non-exclusive deal will bring YouTube viewers video clips and news from the venerable English broadcaster's store of popular television se...

Sony is entering the world of flash memory-based portable media devices that play video. The company Thursday announced two new Walkman units that could challenge similar devices sold by SanDisk, Creative and others. However, because the new Walkman NW-A800 series devices are not hard-drive based, c...

A new computer virus targeting antivirus vendor Symantec's security software has hit a division of at least one big U.S. corporation this week and is still considered a threat to other networks. The virus, which has reportedly infested CNN and its parent company Turner Broadcasting System, is the la...

Famed physicist Stephen Hawking will experience weightlessness for the first time when he flies aboard Zero Gravity's G-Force One next month. The flight, scheduled for April 26, will take off from the Shuttle Landing Facility at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. It will perform parabolic maneuver...

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